
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Main features

  • In this PR, I used @nestjs/swagger module to test API endpoints directly in the browser.
    • Swagger greatly enhances the developer experience. It can improve collaboration within teams and between frontend and backend developers.
  • I have established data persistence using TypeORM with a PostgreSQL database.
  • I implemented user authentication with JWT tokens by using Passport.js.
  • I assigned CRUD(Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionalities to only authenticated users.
  • I used pivot table to engineer Favorites functionality.
  • I wrote the jest unit test code for AuthModule to showcase.
  • I've implemented role-based access control (RBAC) within my application by using RolesDecorator.
    • This decorator is used to differentiate between admin users and general users, ensuring that authorizations are correctly enforced according to the assigned roles.
  • I tried to establish the main skeleton that makes it easy to extend and add new features in future development.


  • GET / (For Swagger)
  • POST /auth/register
  • POST /auth/login
  • POST /cats
  • GET /cats
  • GET /cats/{id}
  • PUT /cats/{id}
  • DELETE /cats/{id}
  • PUT /user/favorites
  • DELETE /user/favorites

External libraries


  • @nestjs/swagger
  • @nestjs/jwt
  • @nestjs/passport
  • passport-jwt
  • passport-local
  • bcrypt
  • pg


  • @faker-js/faker
  • fishery

Folders and files

  • jest.json
  • ormconfig.json
  • package.json
  • package-lock.json
  • README.md
  • src
    • app.module.ts
    • auth
      • auth.controller.spec.ts
      • auth.controller.ts
      • auth.module.ts
      • auth.service.ts
      • dto
        • auth.login.dto.ts
        • auth.register.dto.ts
        • auth.token.dto.ts
      • jwt-auth.guard.ts
      • jwt.strategy.ts
      • local-auth.guard.ts
      • local.strategy.ts
      • secret.key.ts
      • service
        • auth.login.service.spec.ts
        • auth.login.service.ts
        • auth.register.service.spec.ts
        • auth.register.service.ts
        • auth.validate-user.service.spec.ts
        • auth.validate-user.service.ts
    • cats
      • cat.entity.ts
      • cats.controller.ts
      • cats.module.ts
      • cats.service.ts
      • dto
        • cat.dto.ts
      • interfaces
        • cat.interface.ts
    • common
      • entity
        • base.entity.ts
    • config
      • database.ts
    • main.ts
    • swagger.ts
    • users
      • dto
      • favorite.dto.ts
      • user.controller.ts
      • user.entity.ts
      • user.factory.ts
      • user.module.ts
      • user.service.ts
  • tsconfig.build.json
  • tsconfig.json


$ npm install

Running the app

# development
$ npm run start

# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev

# productiona mode
$ npm run start:prod


# unit tests
$ npm run test

# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov


Thank you!!!