
WordPress file scanner

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A WordPress file diff python module.

Package Dependencies

The module requires the following packages to be installed:

  • ftputil
  • requests
  • mysql-connector
  • filetype

Use pip to install ftputil and requests.


pip install ftputil


pip install requests


The python MySQL connector can be downloaded here.


pip install filetype


The main module filename of the WordPress diff is ftp_wp_diff.py.

Sample usage

import ftp_wp_diff

ftp_wp_diff('localhost', 'admin', 'admin123', '/wordpress')

MySQL Connection

The MySql database connection can be configured using the db_config.json file.

Module Arguments

ftp_wp_diff('host', 'user', 'pwd', wp_path=None, search_depth=3);
  • host - Hostname of the FTP server.
  • user - FTP username.
  • pwd - FTP password.
  • wp_path (Optional - Default is None) - WordPress directory location in the FTP server.
  • search_depth (Optional - Default is 3) - A number indicating the search depth limit of the WordPress version.


The following python files are sub modules that is used in the WordPress file diff.


Returns the database config data located in db_config.json. Creates a db_config.json file with default setting if db_config.json is not found.

# returns the decoded data in 'db_config.json'
# Checks if the dictionary keys are valid.
# Creates a 'db_config.json; file if it doesn't exist.
# Main database config module fetcher


Returns a ftputil connection instance of the FTP server.

# Connects to a FTP server
ftp_connect(host, user, pwd)
  • ftp_connect(host, user, pwd)
    • host - (String) Hostname of the FTP server
    • user - (String) FTP Username
    • pwd - (String) FTP Password


Connects to the MySQL DB and returns the MySQL connection instanace and cursor.

# Returns the MySQL connection and cursor


Inserts the file and line diff result in the MySQL database.

# Returns the insert sql statement of a file diff based on its diff type.
# Returns the diff values that will be inserted based on its diff type.
get_diff_data(scan_id, diff, line_diff)
# Inserts the diff data and the plugins in the MySQL DB
insert_scan(scan, file_diff, line_diff)
  • get_diff_stmt(diff_type)
    • diff_type - (String) A single character representing the diff type.
  • get_diff_data(scan_id, diff, line_diff)
    • scan_id - (Integer) Last row ID of the inserted of the file diff (scan_data table)
    • diff - (Dictionary) A single diff instance returned by wp_file_diff.py
    • line_diff - (Dictionary) Result of the wp_line_diff.py module
  • insert_scan(scan, file_diff, line_diff)
    • scan - (Dictionary) Diff scan metadata
    • file_diff - (Dictionary) Result of the wp_file_diff.py module
    • line_diff - (Dictionary) Result of the wp_line_diff.py module


Finds the WordPress directory and its version in the FTP server.

# Changes the WP file directory of the Ftputil instance.
change_wp_dir(con, wp_path)
# Finds the WP file direcotry based on the directory list if the WP version.
find_wp_dir(con, clean_wp_path)
# Finds teh WP version in the FTP server
get_wp_ver(con, search_depth)
# Calls `change_wp_dir` and `get_wp_dir`
detect_wp(con, wp_path, search_depth)
  • change_wp_dir(con, wp_path)
    • con - (Object) FTPutil connection instance
    • wp_path - (String) FTP WordPress Path
  • find_wp_dir(con, clean_wp_path)
    • con - (Object) FTPutil connection instance
    • clean_wp_path - (String) Raw WordPress path
  • get_wp_ver(con, search_depth)
    • con - (Object) FTPutil connection instance
    • search_depth (Integer) Search depth limit of the file search traversal.
  • detect_wp(con, wp_path, search_depth)
    • con - (Object) FTPutil connection instance
    • wp_path - (String) FTP WordPress Path
    • search_depth - (Integer) Saerch depth limit of the file search traversal.


Downloads the raw WordPress file version and its md5 hash.

# Returns true if the zip file is not tampered
# Extracts the given WP version in the \\wp-files dir.
# Download the WP version and stores it in 'wp-files; directory
  • compare_zip_hash(ver)
    • ver - (String) WordPress version
  • extract(ver)
    • ver - (String) WordPress version
  • download(ver)
    • ver - (String) WordPress version


Returns a hash diff dictionary of two WordPress directories.

file_hash_diff(con, clean_path)
  • file_hash_diff(con, clean_path)
    • con - (Object) FTPutil connection instance
    • clean_path - (String) Raw WordPress path


Retrieves the WordPress file hashes inside the FTP server and the raw downloaded version.

# Returns the md5 hash string of a given file
md5(fname, r_mode='rb')
# Get the file hashes inside the FTP server
# Get the file hashes of the clean WP version
  • md5(fname, r_mode='rb')
    • fname - (String) Path of the file
    • r_mode - (String) Read mode. Default is 'rb'
  • ftp_file_hash(con)
    • con - (Object) FTPutil connnection instance
  • clean_file_hash(dpath)
    • dpath - (String) Raw WordPress path


Returns the line diff of two files.

# Returns line changes
# Returns an array of unified diff between two files
file_line_diff(con, fpath1, fpath2)
  • diff_filter(diff)
    • diff - (Object) - diff result of two files
  • file_line_diff(con, fpath, fpath2)`
    • con - FTPutil connection instance
    • fpath1 - File path to be diffed
    • fpath2 - File path to be diffed


Uses the filetype package to determine and verify image filetypes

# Verifies the image type
  • verify_img_type(con)
    • con - FTPutil connection instance


Scans the plugin(s) of the WordPress in the FTP This module will flag all unverified plugins by checking if the module(s) is present in the WordPress plugin SVN.

# Reads the plugin directory names and .php file extension located in `wp-content/plugins`
# Verifies the plugin by checking if it exists in the WordPress plugin SVN
  • scan_plugin_dir(con)
    • con - FTPutil connection instance
  • verify_plugins(plugins)
    • plugins - (Object) - An object returned by the scan_plugin_dir() which contains the files and plugin name