
Web scrapping made funny (based on ScrapperJS)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Fast Scrapper

1. About

Fast Scrapper is a small utility to ease the routine of scrapping data from external websites. It is based on ScrapperJS (which is based on CasperJS, and PhantomJS).

2. Why?

Just to reduce the effort of writing a new scrapper each time one has to get some data from other sites.

3. Installation

First, you need to download this project, and open a command-line inside.

Then you must install the dependencies, so:

~$ npm install

In order to use FastScrap, you only need to import the fast-scrap.js in your *.js file, like this:

var FastScrap = require("./fast-scrap.js");

4. Usage

Use FastScrap calling its method run, and passing to it an object with all the required parameters for the scrapping.

In the example.js file you can find a real example, that will create a file, dummyexample.html, with the title of http://www.example.com.

This is how we can call the FastScrap.run({...}) method (all the parameters are required):

    routes: ["http://www.example.com"],
    urlPattern: "*",
    mode: "static",
    onStart: function() {
        // Here, the initial operations
        // Typically, start an empty file, or so
    onLoad: function($) {
        // Here, retrieve the data from page
        // jQuery is available already. 
        // Example:
    	return $("h1").eq(0).html();
    onFail: function(url) {
        // Here, manage the failed scraps
        // Typically, log some error
    onStore: function(data, utils) {
    	// Here, store the scrapped data
    	// Typically, persisting the data
    onFinish: function() {
        // Here, the conclusive operations
        // Typically, to close things

To run the scrap itself, and suposing that your file is called example.js (as in the example), you only need to:

~$ node example.js

And the scrap will start then.

5. Notes

You can scrap multiple URLs effortlessly with FastScrap, passing all the routes you want to scrap the same way.

Take into account that FastScrap will only allow you to run 1 instance at a time. On the other hand, it will also help to you to separate the different scrappings that you want to do, forcing either to put conditionals in the code, or simply separating the different scraps you want to perform in different files.

It was thought for simple small scraps, not for testing, neither for crawling. Who knows, maybe with time it's improved, but currently, this is how it comes.

6. License

Scrap them all (for free, of course).

Feel free to use and abuse it without feedback.