Ansible role for BOSH and CF "jump box"
"Jump box" is referred to as a VM that acts as a single access point for the BOSH Director and deployed VMs. Often this VM contains all necessary softaware to access BOSH and CF. This Role tends to ease configuration of resulting configuration of "jump box".
Resulting machine contains all needed software to manage BOSH and CF. This proejct serves the same goals as jumpbox-boshrelease, but instead of bosh-init
it uses Ansible as a deployment tool. Using bosh-init
is fine too, still there are some limitations:
- managing and customization of Ansible project is much more easier;
- you don't need recreate an instance after configuration updating;
- Ansible makes it possible to run this scripts on a PaaS of your choice, which is useful for development purposes;
- Ansible project is easier to test
Install Ansible 2.2+
, you can use this instruction or install ansible using pip
(the following example installs Ansible to fresh Ubuntu 16.04):
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev -y
sudo pip install ansible
How to use
You will need to install the role, create 2 files and run one command:
ansible-galaxy install allomov.bosh-jumpbox
cat <<EOF > playbook.yml
- hosts: jumpbox
- role: allomov.bosh-jumpbox
go_version: 1.7.3
ruby_version: 2.3.2
cat <<EOF > hosts
localhost ansible_connection=local
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml