
.dotfiles for the i3 window manager: i3wm.org


This is the set of configuration files I use for my [i3 window manager] 1 setup.

Feel free to scavange these configs for snippets that work for you.

Neat Features (i3)

  • hitting both alt keys gives you power commands (lock, suspend, ...).
  • windows and status bar use the same default font as sublime text which is neat if you like that font.
  • runs some indicators like nm-applet, redshift, tomate, ...
  • binds volume control keys to pulseaudio pactl command.
  • defines a neat binding mod+a opens selected text in chromium app mode for maximum screen real estate.
  • binds mod+c to starting or stopping a [screencast] 2.

Neat Features (i3status)

  • shows the date and time in an easy to digest format.
  • prints battery info with a pretty charging icon (unicode).
  • indicates whether or not a [screencast] 2 is being recorded.

This repository is designed to work with [homeshick] 3.