- 1
[Feature] Alloy `ThrottleLayer`
#1636 opened by 0xKitsune - 1
Replace `thiserror-no-std` with `thiserror` v2
#1628 opened by DaniPopes - 0
- 1
[Feature] Check if a bundle is confirm or not
#1580 opened by chen4903 - 1
- 2
[Question] how can we decode transaction data ?
#1534 opened by Aviksaikat - 0
- 2
[Bug] Deserialization Error for Celo (Alfajores) or Blast (Sepolia) Test Networks
#1635 opened by necmettindev - 5
[Bug] Fail to deserialize 7702 transactions on Mekong
#1643 opened by iankressin - 1
`Network::HeaderResponse` does not contain hash
#1626 opened by Wollac - 0
[Feature] Support truncated key for JsonStorageKey
#1553 opened by mattsse - 0
provider: make `Caller` more `EthCall` specific
#1471 opened by yash-atreya - 1
[Bug] `CachedNonceManager` should not be `Clone`
#1507 opened by pmikolajczyk41 - 0
- 1
[Bug] PubSubService does not subscribe fast enough to the ActiveSubscription Sender and drops first message
#1601 opened by tchardin - 5
- 1
[Bug] trie_hash impl incorrect for tx envelope
#1537 opened by prestwich - 1
- 0
[Feature] Make subscribe_blocks return header
#1585 opened by mattsse - 0
[Bug] Non-semver breaking change in 0.5.4
#1562 opened by prestwich - 5
Fix: move type flag encoding back into `encode_2718`
#1483 opened by prestwich - 0
[Bug] encode_with_signature_fields encodes an invalid transaction when the signature Parity is unexpected
#1510 opened by kayabaNerve - 3
JSON-RPC types do not agree with Ethereum's OpenRPC spec
#1560 opened by 0xaatif - 1
[Bug] RLP roundtrip fails for Anvil header
#1575 opened by Wollac - 2
Fail to build for ARM, I686
#1440 opened by hicaru - 1
[Feature] Make prague field and enum
#1557 opened by mattsse - 1
[Bug] Transferring 1 ether using anvil but received 1 ether and 21000 wei
#1570 opened by Confucian-e - 1
[Feature] a function that convert solidity function signature to selector
#1565 opened by Confucian-e - 1
[Bug] Sol macro failed to create contract instance
#1482 opened by 1000teslas - 5
- 5
[Bug] alloy-json-abi wrong version is selected causing serde to fail in compile-time.
#1546 opened by dgrr - 0
[Bug] RLP is incorrectly implemented for Sidecars
#1499 opened by prestwich - 0
Apply `MaybeTagged` deser to `TypedTransaction`
#1494 opened by prestwich - 0
[Feature] Add `EMPTY_REQUESTS_HASH` constant to EIP-7685
#1514 opened by onbjerg - 0
- 4
[Feature] Add rpc types for wallet_ namespace
#1420 opened by mattsse - 1
[Bug] serde feature on meta-crate doesn't enable serde feature in alloy-rpc-types-* crates
#1453 opened by morph-dev - 0
[Bug] websocket cannot return a long response
#1504 opened by 1makarov - 0
[Bug] Can't deserialize old transaction receipts
#1493 opened by klefevre - 0
- 2
[Feature] Add `Transaction::to_input` function
#1492 opened by mattsse - 1
- 1
[Bug] Impossible to enable "derive" feature of "alloy-rlp" when using meta-crate
#1454 opened by morph-dev - 1
[Feature] Parse "secretKey": "0x" as None
#1445 opened by mattsse - 0
[Feature] Add network_len to Encodable2718
#1430 opened by mattsse - 2
- 0
Move `mev-share-sse` types to alloy mev crate
#1417 opened by SkandaBhat - 0
Add support for `Bundle` inside `BundleItem`
#1416 opened by SkandaBhat - 4
- 1
[Bug] SidecarBuilder fails to encode anything bigger than 1 blob of data
#1388 opened by segfault-magnet