
Add support for Android Termux

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I want to use foundry on Android for smart contract development, but it fails to build. After some digging it turns out to be svm-rs not supporting Android.

platform::platform() returns Unsupported.

env::consts::OS = "android"
env::consts::ARCH = "aarch64"

I'm working on building up an Android version of solc-bin, which svm-rs can use. Creating this issue first to check whether Android support is desired :)

Hi @xJonathanLEI if you're able to build the solc binary for the Android target, happy to support Android in svm-rs.

You can create a PR to push the built binary to solc-builds under a new directory. Once ready, we can then offer the android versions via svm-builds as well.

Sure will do! Thanks!