
The main purpose of the repo is to provide MacOS aarch64 binaries for roynalnaruto/svm-rs and eventually for gakonst/foundry.


Z3 is required to build solc with SMT solver support.

  • Download Z3 (version 4.8.17 should be compatible with solidity >= 0.8.15) and unzip
$ wget
$ unzip && cd z3-4.8.17-arm64-osx-10.16
  • Copy to /usr/local
$ cp bin/libz3.a /usr/local/lib
$ cp bin/z3 /usr/local/bin
$ cp include/* /usr/local/include

Build Instructions

The following steps are meant to be run on a MacOS machine with the M1 chip:

  • Clone the solidity repository
  • Checkout to the release tag of interest:
$ git checkout tags/v0.8.15
  • Build the solc binary for the above release tag
$ ./scripts/
  • The binary solc is then found under the ./build/solc/ directory
  • Get the SHA-256 checksum for the binary
$ shasum -a 256 ./build/solc/solc