
Chrome extension for bypassing New York Time's paywall

Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense


NYTUnpaywall is a simple Chrome extension that allows users to bypass New York Time's paywall.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


This software requires the following software

Google Chrome version 79.0 or greater  


To install the extension, follow the steps below:

  1. extract the downloaded project into a suitable folder
  2. open chrome and navigate to chrome://extensions
  3. click "load unpacked extension" and point to your extension's folder
  4. enable the plugin
  5. refresh every page

Built With

  • jquery - feature-rich Javascript library for HMTL DOM manipulation and more


  • Allan Parker - Initial work - AllPark


This project is licensed under The Unlicense - see the LICENSE.md file for details