Capstone Project for MLOps Zoomcamp: Operationalizing Machine Learning for a bank marketing campaigns
Marketing to the clients (both prospects and current) has always been a crucial challenge in attaining success for financial institutions.
According to the Gartner, marketing offers delivered in real time are twice more efficient then that made short time later, and 10X times more successful then that made without considering current customer context.
This project utilizes Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) methods to build a system for predicting bank client probability to respond to marketing campaign made by different communication channels.
Project includes model building with Catboost, one of the most efficient algorithms for tabular data.
After model training online model scoring service will be created for the prediction of customers who will respond to the communication and will open a deposit in the bank.
The main focus of the project is to make a end-to-end process for a** model lifecycle** including experiment tracking, pipeline automation, monitoring and re-training.
MLops architecture for the project consists of three layers:
- model development
- model governance
- model execution
Technologies used for each layer are described bellow.
Development layer is used for acquiring training data for a model and model creation. EDA and Hyper parameter tuning are out of the scope of the project.
Training data is placed into cloud storage, and accessed each time training runs.
Data that has been downloaded from cloud data should be compared to expected by asserting function. This test is placed into file
Here is the CatBoost space highlighted:
- No one-hot-encodings/sparse dataframe
- Keeps original format of dataframe, making collaboration easier as well
- Training is faster
- Categorical features are more important
- Model is more accurate
- It can work with features like ID’s, or categorical features with high unique counts
Catboost provides broad integration with other packages, such as MLflow and scikit learn. In meanwhile, sklearn is used for:
- splitting the data set for train/test
- calculating model performance the metrics such as accuracy, f1, roc_auc
Training process is wrapped into a prefect flow, placed into file
After training finishes, model score code, including model.pkl
is placed into the folder .\prediction_service\
Governance layer is used for tracking the experiments, run orchestrated workflows to provide reproducibility into model lifecycle.
In this project MFLow is used to track training runs (in terms of the tool - experiments), track parameters (such as model metrics on test data and hyper paraments) and artifact (such as model pickle file).
After starting, MLFlow web UI is located at http://localhost:3000
Prefect is used as a tool for orchestrating execution of training code. With possibility of scheduling, it will allow re-training of the model on the regular basis and maintain model performance on high level when the customer behavior changes and trends, captured truing previous model's run will became out-of-date.
After starting, Prefect service UI can be accessed using http://localhost:4200/
Model file and scoring script is placed into the folder .\prediction_service\
When you run docker-compose
, it builds image and runs several container.
Flask is used as a web-service for model and mongodb as a database for storing model results as well as predicion vectors.
Evidently.Ai is used for tracking model performance after deployment.
It tracks data drift from features, consumed by models and display information at the graphana dashbords.
Reference data for data drift monitoring is placed at .\evidently_service\datasets\test.csv
Monitoring configuration is placed at .\evidently_service\config.yaml
Evidenlty's reports at Graphana can be accessed by http://localhost:3000
Data source:
It is a dataset that describing Portugal bank marketing campaigns results. Conducted campaigns were based mostly on direct phone calls, offering bank client to place a term deposit.
If after all marketing efforts client had agreed to place deposit - target variable marked 'yes', otherwise 'no'
age client's age
job type of job
marital marital status
education clients education level
default has credit in default?
housing has housing loan?
loan has personal loan?
contact contact communication type
month last contact month of year
day_of_week last contact day of the week
duration last contact duration, in seconds. Important note: this attribute highly affects the output target (e.g., if duration=0 then y='no').
Yet, the duration is not known before a call is performed. Also, after the end of the call y is obviously known.
Thus, this input should only be included for benchmark purposes and should be discarded if the intention is to have a realistic predictive model.
campaign number of contacts performed during this campaign and for this client
pdays number of days that passed by after the client was last contacted from a previous campaign
previous number of contacts performed before this campaign and for this client
poutcome outcome of the previous marketing campaign
S. Moro, P. Cortez and P. Rita. A Data-Driven Approach to Predict the Success of Bank Telemarketing. Decision Support Systems, Elsevier, 62:22-31, June 2014
S. Moro, R. Laureano and P. Cortez. Using Data Mining for Bank Direct Marketing: An Application of the CRISP-DM Methodology. In P. Novais et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the European Simulation and Modelling Conference - ESM'2011, pp. 117-121, Guimaraes, Portugal, October, 2011
Git clone
this repository to local pc or virtual pc on the cloud -
pipenv shell
to install needed versions of the packages -
docker-compose up --build
to start the prediction service as well as Graphana, Evidently and Prometeus -
Model scoring can be simulated by running
scripts -
Training the model could be started by
script. In case you want to use prefect, uncomment tasks and flow decorators -
Regular re-training can be started by
. This script will schedule prefect flow that will place new model into MLFlow model registry
start prefect:
prefect orion start --host
start MLFlow server for tracking and model registry:
mlflow server --backend-store-uri sqlite:///mlruns.db --default-artifact-root artifacts
if graphana default authorization is not working:
grafana-cli admin reset-admin-password admin
List of the opportunities for improvements:
- Add alerting, and automated re-train when the data drift/target drift/model accuracy degradation are detected.
- Add IaC/cloud execution services.
- Add advanced capabilities to into model management part, such as model validation, ci/cd pipelines.
👍 Alexey Grigorev 👍 Emeli Dral 👍 Kevin Kho 👍 Sejal Vaidya 👍 Cristian Javier Martinez
Feedback is welcomed by 🙋♂️
Artem Glazkov,