
A HBase datasource implementation for Spark and [MLSQL](http://www.mlsql.tech).

Primary LanguageScala

Spark HBase

A HBase datasource implementation for Spark and MLSQL.


This library requires Spark 2.3+/2.4+, HBase 1.2+/2.0+ (tested).


You can link against this library in your program at the following coordinates:

  • 2.4.3 -> Spark version. 2.4.3/2.3.2 available
  • 1.2.x -> HBase version. 1.2.x/2.0.x available
  • 2.11 -> Scala version.

Build Shade Jar

-- hbase 1.2.0, spark 2.4.3
mvn clean package -Pshade -Phbase-1.2.x -Pspark-2.4.3 -pl spark-hbase_2.4.3_2.11 -am

-- hbase 1.2.0, spark 2.3.2
mvn clean package -Pshade -Phbase-1.2.x -Pspark-2.3.2 -pl spark-hbase_2.3.2_2.11 -am

-- hbase 2.0.x, spark 2.4.3
mvn clean package -Pshade -Phbase-2.0.x -Pspark-2.3.2 -pl spark-hbase_2.3.2_2.11 -am

-- hbase 2.0.x, spark 2.3.2
mvn clean package -Pshade -Phbase-2.0.x -Pspark-2.4.3 -pl spark-hbase_2.4.3_2.11 -am


-- hbase 1.2.0, spark 2.4.3
mvn clean test  -Phbase-1.2.x -Pspark-2.4.3 -Ptest-spark-2.4.3 -pl spark-hbase-tests -am

-- hbase 1.2.0, spark 2.3.2
mvn clean test  -Phbase-1.2.x -Pspark-2.3.2 -Ptest-spark-2.3.2 -pl spark-hbase-tests -am

-- hbase 2.0.x, spark 2.4.3
mvn clean test  -Phbase-2.0.x -Pspark-2.3.2 -Ptest-spark-2.3.2 -pl spark-hbase-tests -am

-- hbase 2.0.x, spark 2.3.2
mvn clean test  -Phbase-2.0.x -Pspark-2.4.3 -Ptest-spark-2.4.3 -pl spark-hbase-tests -am

Limitation of 0.1.0

  1. Do not support multi families(load/save).
  2. Do not support PushDown filter.



Spark Code Example:

val data = (0 to 255).map { i =>
      HBaseRecord(i, "extra")
val tableName = "t1"
val familyName = "c1"

import spark.implicits._
    "outputTableName" -> cat,
    "family" -> family
  ) ++ options)
val df = spark.read.format("org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.hbase").options(
    "inputTableName" -> tableName,
    "family" -> familyName,
    "field.type.col1" -> "BooleanType",
    "field.type.col2" -> "DoubleType",
    "field.type.col3" -> "FloatType",
    "field.type.col4" -> "IntegerType",
    "field.type.col5" -> "LongType",
    "field.type.col6" -> "ShortType",
    "field.type.col7" -> "StringType",
    "field.type.col8" -> "ByteType"

MLSQL Example:

connect hbase where `zk`=""
and `family`="cf" as hbase1;

load hbase.`hbase1:mlsql_example`
as mlsql_example;

select * from mlsql_example as show_data;

select '2' as rowkey, 'insert test data' as name as insert_table;

save insert_table as hbase.`hbase1:mlsql_example`;

Or with connect statement:

connect hbase where `zk`=""
and `tsSuffix`="_ts"
and `family`="cf" as hbase_conn;

select 'a' as id, 1 as ck, 1552419324001 as ck_ts as test ;
save overwrite test
as hbase.`hbase_conn:mlsql_example`
options  rowkey="id";

load hbase.`hbase_conn:mlsql_example`
options `field.type.ck`="IntegerType"
as testhbase;

You should configure parameters like zookeeper.znode.parent,hbase.rootdir according by your HBase configuration.


Property Name Meaning
tsSuffix to overwrite hbase value's timestamp
namespace hbase namespace
family hbase family,family="" means load all existing families
field.type.ck specify type for ck(field name),now supports:LongType、FloatType、DoubleType、IntegerType、BooleanType、BinaryType、TimestampType、DateType,default: StringType。