Meta-programming framework in support of ES-DOC eco-system.
ES-DOC stands for Earth Science - Documentation. It's goal is to provide software tools and services in order to support the distribution of earth science documentation.
esdoc-mp is an extensible domain driven design meta-progamming utility written in python. It is an essential part of the ES-DOC eco-system of tools & services that allows developers to work with metadata in the encoding of their choice and in the programming language of their choice.
esdoc-mp achieves this by parsing a pythonic representation of a domain metadata schema and generating code in various programming languages.
Metadata handling is typically complex and highly inefficient in terms of developer productivity. esdoc-mp simmplifyies metadata handling by allowing developers to work with simple objects in the programming language of their choice. This approach has been objectively proven to be a strong boost to developer productivity.
esdoc-mp supports the whole of the ES-DOC eco-system of tools and services. It also used by other projects.
\esdoc_mp Source code.
\tests Unit tests.
Please refer to the splash page for further information.