This git manager helps during penetration testing process. When you found opened .git repository on perimeter. On company web site. What do you do next? Download all files from them by git-ripper scripts, I guess. But it's not always necessary, because repository can be huge and often you need only some files from it. Config files for example. Besides, many requests to the server (while downloading objects) can alert IDS.
For that cases I wrote this tool. It's download only index file from repository and next you can search files, paths and then download and view only what you need.
You do not need special requirements for now. Only python 3 and python-telegram-bot if you want use telegram bot of course.
If you use Windows then install pyreadline
pip install pyreadline
Tool can run in two modes: interactive and command
URL not specified. Run in interactive mode.
> use
Valid scheme not found in url. Using http instead.
Working with repository
Downloading index file ( ...
You can use URL with scheme http or https. You can add path to git (ex.: or, if git folder in web root, you can use short URL (ex.:
help show this info
ls [dir] list files in repository path
get <path|mask> get, save and show file by path or mask. Ex.: get *.ini
find <query> find by file names. Ex.: find *.sql
search <query> find by folder name. Ex.: search wp-content
exit|quit|e|q exit to select repository mode
You can use [TAB] for autocomplete paths. All getted files saves in data// folder by them actual paths in repository.
In this mode you can send command right in command line with -c/--command flag.
python3 <repo> -c <command>
python3 -c "get wp-config.php"
You can set up proxy with -p/--proxy flag. Format is **http(s)://". Socks5 not supported yet because of minimum requirements.
Install python-telegram-bot and replace [TOKEN_HERE] in by your BotFather token.
pip install python-telegram-bot
Send help to bot and see full command list
Add get files by mask. Likeget application/*.cfg
Add command for all repository files downloadAdd proxy support- Add multithread downloads
- Add .git directory listing detection
- Add database storage for repository data
- Add packs detection
Big thank to Sean B. Palmer for gin tool. I was take index file parser function from there.