
Virtual host bruteforcer

Primary LanguagePython

Virtual hosts bruteforcer (vhostbrute)

Virtual host multi-threading bruteforcer with BJ and other stuff.


Python 2.7 or 3 with Requests library >=2.7 needed. For tornado version you need tornado >= 4.3

pip install -r requirements.txt


    usage: vhostbrute.py [-h] [-u URL] [-s SCHEME] [-r REMOTEIP] [-b BASE]
                         [-n NOTFOUND] [-m METHOD] [-t THREADS] [-d VHOSTS]
                         [-z ZONES] [-v VERBOSE] [-e EASY] [-o OUTFILE]
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -u URL, --url URL     URL to bruteforce
      -s SCHEME, --scheme SCHEME
                            Scheme to bruteforce
      -r REMOTEIP, --remoteip REMOTEIP
                            Remote IP for bruteforce
      -b BASE, --base BASE  Domain to base request
      -n NOTFOUND, --notfound NOTFOUND
                            Wrong vhost for not found request
      -m METHOD, --method METHOD
                            Method of bruteforce see readme
      -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                            Count of threads (default: maxcpu)
      -d VHOSTS, --vhosts VHOSTS
                            Domain dictionary file
      -z ZONES, --zones ZONES
                            Zones dictionary file
      -v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
                            Show debug information
      -e EASY, --easy EASY  Easy method to find virtual hosts (default: true)
      -o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
                            File to save finded virtual host

If you have many false-positive detection try to turn off easy option --easy 0 First, you need to select method for brute (-m/--method [1-2]).

Method 1 (default)

This method working like subdomain bruteforce. For example you have example.com site and you want brute some virtual hosts like: test.example.com, dev.example.com

Why vhosts? Because subdomains test, dev etc may not be resolve by example.com DNS servers. In this case vhostbrute can rock!

We need file with vhosts, IP of remote server (ex.:, we need host for base request to server. Base request is request to main site www.example.com for valid vhost determination.



vhostbrute.py --url="example.com" --remoteip="" --base="www.example.com" --vhosts="v.txt"

Starting bruteforce with 8 threads
Virutal host dev.example.com is found!
Virutal host test.example.com is found!
Brute successfully completed. Found 2 virtual host

Method 2

This method working like Cluster bomb in Burp. You need to use two dictionary files. First with domain name, second with zone name. Example (use verbose option for detail output).





vhostbrute.py --url="example.com" --method 2 --vhosts="v.txt" --zone="z.txt" -v 1 --easy 0

Starting bruteforce with 8 threads
Trying admin.test...
admin.test response: baselen - 19108 | nflen - 3773 | curr - 3956
Trying mail.test...
Trying mail.dev...
Trying services.test...
mail.test response: baselen - 19108 | nflen - 3773 | curr - 3953
mail.dev response: baselen - 19108 | nflen - 3773 | curr - 3950
services.test response: baselen - 19108 | nflen - 3773 | curr - 3965
Trying admin.dev...
Trying services.dev...
admin.dev response: baselen - 19108 | nflen - 3773 | curr - 3953
services.dev response: baselen - 19108 | nflen - 3773 | curr - 3962
admin.dev not found
admin.test not found
mail.dev not found
mail.test not found
services.test not found
services.dev not found
Brute successfully completed. Found 0 virtual host


  • Added tornado version much-MUCH faster
  • Add write to outfile
  • Add XFF checks
  • Add progress bar
  • More-and-more error handling
  • Add many commentaries to source code
  • OOP rewrite(?)
  • Add template vhost generator like [a-zz].example.com will try a.example.com, b.example.com ... zy.example.com, zz.example.com
  • Test, test and test again


08.08.2016: Added tornado version. Speed +100. 10.12.2015: First release. Basic functional.


Thanks TheRook for subbrute (https://github.com/TheRook/subbrute) names.txt file.