Generate P Matrix
To run the program, you first need to generate a p matrix with the preprocessor in the Matrices folder. All you need to do is download the mtx file from the website, then remove all the stuff at the top above the row that lists the dimensions and number of lines in the file. Then just run ./preprocessor . This will generate a file with the same name but a p_ in front.
partition the graph
Then all you have to do is log into chpc and run sbatch [you have to change the email it sends to :)]
The very last line of is
For the larger graph:
mpirun ./partition Matrices/p_finance256.dat 100 1
For the smaller graph:
mpirun ./partition Matrices/p_matrix.dat 100 1
The 100 is just the number of iterations you want in the lanczos algorithm. The 1 is just whether or not you want to do full reorthogonalization.
The program will output a dot file for graphviz. To use graphviz, download the software and navigate to the folder in the terminal.
For the small graph, which is the only one that will work, input the following into the terminal: dot -Kneato -Teps file.gv > file.eps with the correct filename for file.
This will output an eps file. Visulaize this however you need to on your system.