PTV is a useful widget for trading view for doing paper trading when bar reply is enabled.(this feature did not implement in trading view)
- abysswarriorAbyss
- ali73aj
- alimp5
- amirdarvishiRC Co
- amirpsdKaraj - Iran
- ArminNamiri
- bhuvanesh15chennai
- BobbyBabazadehAmsterdam, the Netherlands
- catchcool
- crouthamelaDoylestown, PA, USA
- dleung18
- drsploit
- enjoypythonKorea, Republic of
- enyan0
- izikerosErnst & Young
- KooshaSangari
- lnxpy@Mindsdb
- lucanders
- mahdizojaji
- mohamadkhalaj/dev/null
- MohammadihpythonKaraj
- mohsen3344
- MrRezooTehran, Iran
- naferok
- neo302
- onehamed01England, UK
- PEMIDI@JaMedadi
- Ramblingjack
- realostermannwirthBraunschweig
- Sambhav-Jindal-github
- sepandhaghighiDenu
- seyed-devseyed
- SHA-raaT
- wanfuckerbtFudan University
- wyisme
- ZenMaxeZenMaxe