Clean Code Architecture

Here I try to give an overview of clean code architecture. And try to create an example project. This is simple blogsite project inspired by Clean Code Architecture.


  • Can signup
  • Can see user list
  • Can create blog post
  • Can see post list
  • Can retrieve a post
  • Implementation of a simple permission management pipeline


  • Create a virtual env.
python -m venv venv

# You can use any approach to create virtual env
  • Activate the virtualenv.
  • Install the requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Apply the migration
alembic upgrade head
  • Navigate to the src/infrastructure/web/.
  • Run the app using below command.
flask run

If you need to generate migration file. Then run alembic revision --autogenerate

The app should run up and run now. The API's are given bellow

  • GET /users/
    • This will list down all users.
  • POST /signup/
    • This will be used for registration. The sample data given bellow.
      "name": "your_name",
      "email": "your_email",
      "password": "password"
  • POST /login/
    • To login into the system. Sample request body:
          "email": "your_email",
          "password": "your_password"
  • GET /posts/
    • Get the list all posts.
  • GET /posts/<identifier>/
    • Retrieve a single post.
  • POST /posts/
    • For creating a new post. Example of request body:
      "title": "post_title",
      "content": "post_content"

JWT token should be pass as Bearer token.