
Almaginetx Play es una aplicación web en desarrollo construida con django que permite a usuarios registrarse y subir audios en formato mp3

Primary LanguageHTML

This is the "AlmaginetxPlay documentation", a django 1.8.2 project very easy to install in production. You can build a social web for login, signup, upload music and update your avatar.

  1. Install Python, pip, django, pillow, mysql and mysql python connector.
  2. Git clone this project.
  3. Mysql create database character set utf8.
  4. cp settings-prod.py and mv to settings.py and configure database.
  5. mkdir media & media chmod 777.
  6. makemigrations app & migrate.
  7. Enjoy! You are free to use it and please share.

Project in Prod: www.luciferianmusic.com