Easily create a compute cluster on top of a cloud computing infrastructure.
CloudMan is a cloud manager that orchestrates all of the steps required to provision a complete compute cluster environment on a cloud infrastructure; subsequently, it allows one to manage the cluster, all through a web browser. Although CloudMan can be used in any domain and for any purpose that calls for a compute cluster, it is primarily used in the context of Galaxy Cloud and CloudBioLinux and, along with the infrastructure, ensures a complete Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) analysis toolkit is instantly available. CloudMan is currently available on the AWS EC2 cloud.
To instantiate a CloudMan cluster, simply visit usegalaxy.org/cloudlaunch. Alternatively, or if you want start an instance on one of the non-Amazon clouds, visit biocloudcentral.org.
For basic testing and some development, CloudMan can be run locally. Start by cloning CloudMan source, installing virtualenv, and adding Python libraries required by CloudMan. Then, run it:
$ cd <project root dir>
$ git clone https://github.com/galaxyproject/cloudman
$ virtualenv .
$ source bin/activate
$ pip install -r cloudman/requirements.txt
$ sh cloudman/run.sh [--reload]
If you would like to deploy CloudMan and all of its dependencies on a cloud
infrastructure where a public image does not already exist, take a look at
CloudBioLinux scripts (cloudman
flavor in particular).
The code is freely available under the MIT license.