
Authorization library for Phoenix web framework

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


An authorization libriary for Phoenix application inspired by CanCan, Canary, and others. It follows Convention over Configuration design, yet allowing full customizations.

Read the docs


  1. Add sphinx to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:sphinx, "~> 0.1.0"}]

Then run mix deps.get to fetch the dependencies.

  1. Configure :repo in your config.exs:
config :sphinx, :repo, MyApp.Repo


Say you want to authorize your PostController:

  1. Create web/authorizers/post_authorizer.ex and define authorize? functions for each action in controller like:
defmodule MyApp.PostAuthorizer do
  def authorize?(_, :index, Post), do: true

  def authorize?(_, :show, %Post{}), do: true

  def authorize?(%User{}, :create, Post), do: true

  def authorize?(%User{id: id}, action, %Post{author_id: id}) when action in [:update, :delete], do: true

  def authorize?(_, _, _), do: false
  1. Call plug :authorize inside your PostController. You may want to import Sphinx.Plugs in your web.ex for controller scope.

  2. You can now access post in your controller actions like: conn.assigns.resource if authorization passes, and user gets 403 view if it fails.

  3. Profit!

See plug docs for more options.

Ensuring authorization

If you want to make sure all your requests are authorized, add this in your pipelines:

import Sphinx.Plugs

plug :ensure_authorization

Now, if any your requests is about to return without going through authorization, Sphinx would rise Sphinx.AuthorizationNotPerformedError. You can skip authorization for some of your actions in controller like:

plug :skip_authorization, only: [:index, :show]


MIT License, Copyright (c) 2016 Almas Sapargali