
'17 AA100 - "One Scene": reinforcement learning system as a submissive-dominant controller of VR experience-space.

Primary LanguageC#

Final Documentation: One Scene

Sarah B, A Mira C and Eric F

youtube video)


Reinforcement learning system as a submissive-dominant controller of VR experience-space.

  • “Branching” of the state based on user head movement
  • Machine trying to maximize the time the user stay in the VR environment


Deep Q Learning https://github.com/keon/deep-q-learning

Reinforcement learning in python: Theano + Keras

Source code originally written for playing CartPole game on OpenAI Gym


cartpole animation

“A pole is attached by an un-actuated joint to a cart, which moves along a frictionless track”


We replaced CartPole game with our Unity VR system


  • Form: head direction (coordinate in 3d-space), head movement (acceleration data)
  • Dataset: collected from a human subject - 50+ trials


  • When a human subject is bored, they push the “END” button.
  • This resets the scene, the machine will retry to maximize the rewards


by collecting this data array:

  • state 1 (VR gear readings)
  • action (determined by the machine)
  • state 2 (VR gear readings)
  • rewards: for a unit time stay within the VR system, the system gets +1 reward; when terminated by the user, the system gets -10 penalty


The model selected 1 action from our discrete action space (306442=5760 possible actions) which determined each object's:

  • visibility,
  • position,
  • size (scale), and
  • angular orientation


youtube video)

Best record?


  • Sarah: sound + training + documentation
  • Alice: python(keras) + Unity + documentation
  • Eric: Unity + VR + visuals