Easy way to run activiti7 with docker compose


Change DOCKER_IP to your ip in .env You need to have make installed.

Start options

For starting whole system

make all

For starting all services without modeller

make application 

For starting modeler and keycloak

make modeler

To see logs

make logs 

Other available actions

make help


To access modeler please use url


For example

You will be redirected to keycloak where you have to use credentials modeler/password

Start process

If there is no Postman intalled please download Postman https://www.getpostman.com/downloads/ Then

git clone https://github.com/Activiti/activiti-cloud-examples

Then add to Postman collection Activiti v7 REST API.postman_collection.json
Then at the top right choose manage environment then use your own ip in current value tab.
Then use activiti as default environment.
To start work execute getKeycloakToken hruser in postman keycloak folder.
Then run startProcess in rb-my-app postman folder.