
Integrate almin into redux-devtools

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Integrate almin into Redux DevTools Extension.



  • Lets you inspect every state and UseCase/dispatch
  • See diff of the state
  • Import/Export log


  1. Install Redux DevTools Extension to browser
  2. Install almin-devtools via npm
  3. Connect almin to Redux DevTools Extension

Installation of DevTools extension

1. For Chrome

2. For Firefox

3. For Electron

4. For other browsers and non-browser environment

Installation of almin-devtools

Install with npm:

npm install almin-devtools


Connect from your application to redux-devtools.

import { Context, Dispatcher, StoreGroup } from "almin";
import AlminDevTools from "almin-devtools"
import { CounterStore } from "../store/CounterStore";
const dispatcher = new Dispatcher();
const store = new StoreGroup([new CounterStore()]);
const appContext = new Context({
// initialize devTools
const devTools = new AlminDevTools(appContext);
devTools.connect(); // connect to redux-devtools
/* customize redux-devtools options
    features: {
        pause: true, // start/pause recording of dispatched actions
        lock: true, // lock/unlock dispatching actions and side effects
        persist: false, // persist states on page reloading
        export: true, // export history of actions in a file
        import: 'almin-log', // import history of actions from a file
        jump: false, // jump back and forth (time travelling)
        skip: false, // skip (cancel) actions
        reorder: false, // drag and drop actions in the history list
        dispatch: false, // dispatch custom actions or action creators
        test: true // generate tests for the selected actions
devTools.init(appContext.getState()); // record initial state

See Methods (advanced API) · Redux DevTools Extension for more details.



See Releases page.

Running tests

Install devDependencies and Run npm test:

npm i -d && npm test


Pull requests and stars are always welcome.

For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.

  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D



MIT © azu