Learning to use GStreamer libraries from the tutorials

This repository's goal is to follow GStreamer tutorials with learning purposes. Mainly I intend to write the code in C/C++, but maybe I'll add Python as well.

To install GStreamer you can follow their instructions in this link.

PS.: if you have trouble to install GStreamer on Ubuntu because of gstreamer1.0-doc, just delete it from the "sudo apt-get install" package list and it should be fine.

The tutorials themselves can be found here.

How to compile and run the examples

First of all, if you have a new build enviroment, maybe you'll need to

sudo apt-get install cmake build-essential pkg-config

to install the whole build system. If that is covered, go ahead and have fun!

I'll write a CMakeLists.txt file for each of the examples and I'll leave a "build.sh" script to make it easier to compile. You can compile it by going into the root folder of the example that you want to build and type:


I will also try to compile them as instructed by the tutorials directly with gcc in a "c" folder.

To run the example go into the same folder where you built the binaries and type (without the angular brackets):