
Threaded container for django application, integration with twisted asynchronous framework

Primary LanguagePython

This is an integration layer between the django and twisted frameworks. If uses the webserver from feat (https://github.com/f3at/feat) to create a wsgi-like container for parsing django requests. Requests are being processed in a twisted threadpool, thanks to which a single server can processes more simultaneous requests than compared to a setup with apache + mod_wsgi.

Running in development

To use this feat server you need to add featdjango to INSTALLED_APPS in your settings.py. The server is run with the following command:

python manage.py server <port>

By default log output is processed as in any different django application. The log comming from the layer of webserver would be logged with feat category. You can direct them to the console and log file adding the following lines to you settings.LOGGING['handlers']:

'feat': {
    'handlers': ['logfile', 'console'],
    'level': 'DEBUG',
    'propagate': True,

Optionally you can get the feat logging completely separated to a different file by using the --featlog option. If you use it FEAT_DEBUG environment variable sets the log verbosity (1-ERROR, 2-WARNING, 3-INFO, 4-DEBUG, 5-LOG).

Features implemented:

  • Serves static files directly from twisted.
  • Running server in development.
  • Reloading of the code in development (by restarting the process).
  • Process the requests in threads.
  • Call methods returning Deferreds from inside the thread. The thread waits for the result.
  • Make it possible to serve the script with the global prefix.
  • Expose options to serve on HTTPS.
  • Create a feat agent running an application of choice.
  • Track when request goes away, cancel the processing when that happens.


  • Track the statistics of how long the requests take to get processed and how long has the thread been sleeping due to waiting on the Deferreds.
  • Optionally listen on unix socket (instead of TCP) and test it with the same kind of integration as gunicorn.