
Scripts to automatically fetch Sonatype statistics

Primary LanguageScala

Cron job on Travis CI

Clone this repo

Clone this repository, and set up your clone in Travis CI.

Travis CI settings

In your clone settings on Travis CI, add the following environment variables (these are secret by default):

  • SONATYPE_USERNAME: your Sonatype username, or the name part of your Sonatype token,
  • SONATYPE_PASSWORD: your Sonatype password, or the password part of your Sonatype token,
  • SONATYPE_PROJECT: the Sonatype project you want statistics for (should be the organization you publish under, like com.github.user),
  • GH_TOKEN: a GitHub personal access token. Create one on GitHub, by going into Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens (just the public repo rights should be enough).

Cron job

From GitHub, navigate to your clone, then to its stats branch. Add an empty file, to trigger a Travis CI job for the stats branch.

Then in the Travis CI settings of your clone, in the cron section, add a daily cron for the stats branch.

GitHub page

Once the Travis CI job ran once, a page with the total downloads and unique IPs, per month, should have been pushed to the gh-pages branch of the repository.

Navigate to it, at


Test it locally

Fetch / update stats with

$ SONATYPE_PROJECT=io.get-coursier \

(replace io.get-coursier with your own Sonatype organization)

Update the plots with

$ ./plot.sh

Then open stats.html in your browser (or do whatever you want with what's under data/).