
a BDD Style terraform validation/compliancy check

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


BDD Testing for Terraform Files
A lightweight BDD-testing Compliance Framework

Build coverage report docker version is ready License Package Version

Table of Contents

Quick Overview

  • compliance: Test your infrastructure as code before you deploy. Enforce your people to follow the policies.
  • behaviour driven development: We have BDD for nearly everything, why not for IaC ?
  • portable: just install it from pip or run it via docker
  • why ?: why not ?


Recommended way to use terraform-compliance is using it's Docker image.

Just define it as a function in your shell ;

[~] $ function terraform-compliance { docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/target -i -t eerkunt/terraform-compliance "$@"; }

and use it whereever you want that has docker installed.

[~] $ terraform-compliance --help
usage: terraform-compliance [-h] [--features feature_directory]
                            [--tfdir terraform_directory]

BDD Test Framework for Hashicorp terraform

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --features feature_directory, -f feature_directory
                        Directory consists of BDD features
  --tfdir terraform_directory, -t terraform_directory
                        Directory consists of Terraform Files
  --identity ssh_private_key, -i ssh_private_key
                        SSH Private key file used for GIT authentication

terraform-compliance is also available via PyPi package, so you can also install and use it via ;

[~] $ pip install terraform-compliance


Compliance Tests

The idea of terraform-compliance is to define compliance-as-code in BDD fashion where compliance against infrastructure-as-code is defined in a human readable format which makes the life easier to understand what is being tested and failed/passed.

Ideally, the tools needs to be integrated with a CI/CD tool and runs on every build - where you can define the scope like

  • Company wide compliance-as-code
  • Project wide compliance-as-code

terraform-compliance does not require and infrastructure or credentials to run. It runs against HCL code, thus it is a PRE compliance tool. In CI/CD pipeline it is recommended to be placed before you create the environment.

The demo shown below is a bit outdated, since lots of things change and tools has been improved substantially since 0.0.1 :) The demo will be updated soon ; Example Run

[~] $ terraform-compliance -f example/example_01 -t example/tf_files
terraform-compliance v0.2.0 initiated
Features : /Users/sharky/Repository/terraform-compliance/example/example_01
Steps    : /Users/sharky/Repository/venv2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/terraform_compliance/steps
TF Files : /Users/sharky/Repository/terraform-compliance/example/tf_files
Validating terraform files.
All HCL files look good.
Running tests.
Feature: Security Groups should be used to protect services/instances  # /path/to/example/example_01/aws/security_groups.feature
    In order to improve security
    As engineers
    We'll use AWS Security Groups as a Perimeter Defence

    Scenario Outline: Policy Structure
        Given I define AWS Security Group
        Then it must contain <policy_name>

        | policy_name |
        | ingress     |
        | egress      |

    Scenario Outline: Well-known insecure protocol exposure on Public Network for ingress traffic
        Given I define AWS Security Group
        Then it must contain ingress
        with <proto> protocol and not port <portNumber> for

        | ProtocolName | proto | portNumber |
        | HTTP         | tcp   | 80         |
        | Telnet       | tcp   | 23         |
        | SSH          | tcp   | 22         |
        | MySQL        | tcp   | 3306       |
        | MSSQL        | tcp   | 1443       |
        | NetBIOS      | tcp   | 139        |
        | RDP          | tcp   | 3389       |

Feature: Subnets should be defined properly for network security  # /path/to/example/example_01/aws/subnets.feature
    In order to improve security
    And decrease impact radius
    As engineers
    We'll use a layered architecture in our AWS Environment

    Scenario: Subnet Count
        Given I define AWS Subnet
        When I count them
        Then I expect the result is more than 2
          AssertionError: 0 is not more than 2

2 features (1 passed, 1 failed)
10 scenarios (9 passed, 1 failed)
28 steps (27 passed, 1 failed)

[~] $ echo $?
[~] $

BDD Directives

Every BDD feature file will have ;

  • Feature
  • Scenario/Scenario Outline
  • Steps

This draws the overall picture of the feature file that may consist several scenarios.

For e.g. ;

Feature: Security Groups should be used to protect services/instances
  In order to improve security
  As engineers
  We'll use AWS Security Groups as a Perimeter Defence

This won't effect anything about the test steps, but it will ease the pain for everybody to understand what does that feature aims for.


Every feature might have multiple scenarios. A scenario will define a test that might include multiple steps with BDD directives like ;

  • WHEN
  • THEN

and every step might also have an additional extension step starting with ;

  • AND

There are two types of Scenario ;

  • Scenario : Used for defining a scenario without any multiple dynamic variables.
  • Scenario Outline : Used for defining a scenario loops by giving multiple dynamic variables.

Steps are the functional tests that is actually executing necessary task to validate if the test is successful or not.

terraform-compliance has fixed steps already defined within the tool. It is possible to drill down your terraform resources by using these fixed steps.

Available Steps
BDD Conditions Step Sentence Parameters
GIVEN I have {name} {type} configured name: name of the key in terraform (e.g. aws_security_group, aws )
type: The type of the key (e.g. resource, provider etc.)
GIVEN I have {resource_name} defined name: name of the resource ( e.g. aws_security_group )
WHEN I {math_formula} them math_formula: sum or count
THEN I expect the result is {operator} than {number} operator: more, more and equal, less, less and equal
number: an integer
it contain {something}
it contains {something}
it must contain {something}
something: any property within terraform resoruce/provider/etc. (e.g. access_key, ingress )
THEN encryption is enabled
encryption must be enabled
THEN its value {condition} match the "{search_regex}" regex condition: must or must not
search_regex: the regular expression of the searching value
its value must be set by a variable
THEN it must {condition} have {proto} protocol and port {port} for {cidr} {condition}: only,not
proto: tcp, udp
port: integer port number (or a port range by using - delimeter between port ranges [e.g. 80-84])
cidr: IP/Cidr

Every condition can also be used to drill down more in the terraform code by utilising AND directive.

Any step consisting GIVEN and WHEN directives will lead to skip the whole scenario if one of those steps fails. THEN directive does not lead any scenario/step skipping, so if the step fails, whole scenario fails.

For e.g. ;

  Scenario: TLS enforcement on ELB resources
    Given I have AWS ELB resource defined
    When it contains listener
    Then it must contain ssl_certificate_id

To explain this, it is better to explain this by checking an example terraform code ;

resource "aws_elb" "some_elb" {
    name            = "My gorgeous ELB name"
    subnets         = "${var.subnet_ids}"
    security_groups = ["${aws_security_group.some_elb_sg.id}"]

    listener {
        instance_port      = 8084
        instance_protocol  = "https"
        lb_port            = 8084
        lb_protocol        = "https"
        ssl_certificate_id = "${module.acm-cert-elb.acm_cert_arn}"

We are trying to create an AWS ELB Instance with SSL Certificates created from a module. The test steps will first run ;

Given I have AWS ELB resource defined

which will locate the resorce named aws_elb among all other resources ( please have a look [Naming Conventions](Naming Conventions) if you are not sure how AWS ELB transformed into aws_elb ) and then push the data to the step below ;

When it contains listener

Then it will drill down the listener definition within the HCL. If found, then the data within listener will be pushed on the next step.

Till this point, if any of the steps fail, the further steps will be SKIPPED.

For the last step ;

Then it must contain ssl_certificate_id

Here it will check within the data coming from the parent step if there is ssl_certificate_id defined within. This step is critical since it defines if the scenario will fail or pass.

Scenario Loops

It is also possible to use scenario loops. Please note that, Scenario Outline needs to be used instead of Scenario .

Scenario Outline: Well-known insecure protocol exposure on Public Network for ingress traffic
    Given I have AWS Security Group defined
  	When it contains ingress
    Then it must not have <proto> protocol and port <portNumber> for

    | ProtocolName | proto | portNumber |
    | HTTP         | tcp   | 443       |
    | Telnet       | tcp   | 23         |
    | SSH          | tcp   | 22         |
    | MySQL        | tcp   | 3306       |
    | MSSQL        | tcp   | 1443       |
    | NetBIOS      | tcp   | 139        |
    | RDP          | tcp   | 3389       |
    | Jenkins Slave| tcp   | 50000      |


Just as a sample to show the capabilities, terraform-compliance repository includes a sample of tests.

These sample tests include ;

  • Checks if encryption at rest is applied
  • Checks if encryption in flight is applied
  • Checks if naming standards are applied based on a specific format
  • Checks if tagging is applied for applicable resources following the standards
  • Checks if there are number of subnets defined in the terraform code for a multi-layered architecture
  • Checks if there are some specific ports are not allowed for specific subnets in Security Groups
  • Checks if API Keys/Credentials are not used within the code.

The tests can be easily extended with the current capabilities. For any new capability please raise a new Issue and it will be implemented as soon as possible.

Using git repositories

terraform-compliance also supports remote fetching if any of the feature or terraform files exist in a remote git repo. Sample usage is like ;

[~] $ terraform-compliance -f git:https://some.git.repository/compliance-code.git -t /path/to/terraform_files
terraform-compliance v0.1.1 initiated
Using remote git repository: https://some.git.repository/compliance-code.git
Steps    : /Users/sharky/Repository/terraform-compliance/terraform_compliance/steps
Features : /var/folders/1k/7vm1m4p12db2tqbd5jcn004m0000gn/T/tmpsrlnAG (https://some.git.repository/compliance-code.git)
TF Files : /Users/sharky/Repository/terraform-compliance/example/tf_files
Validating terraform files.
All HCL files look good.
Running tests.
Feature: Resources should be encrypted  encryption_at_rest.feature

This is also applicable for terraform files ( -t argument ), too.

in case remote git repository is a private repo and requires authentication, you can invoke -i parameter to point your private ssh-key to authenticate against target repository.

[~] $ terraform-compliance -f /path/to/features -t git:ssh://fqdn/path/go/repo.git -i /path/to/private.key

If you already configured your ~/.ssh/config and pointing remote host, and private key file, you don't even need to use -i argument, it will be used automatically.

Argument passing

You can also push additional arguments that is specific for radish. Just to explain how it works ;

For e.g.

[~] $ terraform-compliance -f /path/to/features -t /path/to/terraform_files -v
terraform-compliance v0.2.0 initiated
Features : /Users/sharky/Repository/terraform-compliance/example/example_01
Steps    : /Users/sharky/Repository/venv2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/terraform_compliance/steps
TF Files : /Users/sharky/Repository/terraform-compliance/example/tf_files
Validating terraform files.
All HCL files look good.
Running tests.

Please note that 0.8.6 is the radish version comes from -v parameter.


  • Q. Where are the steps defined ?
  • A. They all comes with terraform-compliance, you can just focus on BDD feature/scenario files.

  • Q. What if I would like to add more steps ?
  • A. You are welcome to contribute on any test, or just add an issue it will be added.

  • Q. Where should terraform-compliance run ?
  • A. Ideally in a CI/CD tool, where company policies are defined as feature files and all IaC is tested against. Trust, but verify.
