
A small news summary app - built to demonstrate JavaScript frontend web app skills

Primary LanguageJavaScript

News Summary JavaScript Frontend Web App

This is a small news summary app, built to demonstrate my JavaScript frontend web app skills. It is my solution to Makers Academy's week 7 weekend challenge.

I've created an app that shows the latest news using the Guardian API.

My app grabs all the headlines from the Guardian newspaper API and displays them on a page. Clicking on a headline will link the user to the actual article page on the Guardian's website.

It's a single page web app, written in frontend JavaScript, CSS and HTML.

Getting started

  1. Clone the code: git clone https://github.com/almorcrette/news-summary-challenge.git
  2. Run npm run build to bundle the code.


Open app locally in browser: open index.html

Running tests


Approach to developing the project

  1. Initially focused on a minimum viable product version of the app, as follows:

You can take a look at this version of the app at this commit:


  1. Next I extended the features to include pictures for each story, and a basis search function (working with single words)

  1. Next steps, not yet implemented, will be as follows:
  • Implement a reset button to recover the top stories after completing a search
  • Implement multi-word search
  • Deliver the following user stories:
As a busy politician
So I can quickly read through the essential of today's stories
I can see a summarised version of of the article 
As a busy politician
Just in case my laptop breaks
I can read the site comfortably on my phone
As a busy politician
So I make my news reading more fun
I can see whizzy animations in the app