
Our website is more of a BD Railways oriented. We provide catering, medication, coolie all at one place. We provide you we the top services according to your location. We provide you the best services at best price. Our website is easy to use.

Primary LanguageHTML


Metro Facilities During Journey

Submission by Team Encourager for final project submission

Our Product

We Encourager present before you,"Metro-Express Services".

Our Inspirarion

How people across Bangladesh are facing problems with the catering sanetization, in BD Railways most of the people traveling in train, avoid to buy the food provided by the BR because of hygiene problem and also the shortage of the variety available in the menu,well not only food but also for the luggages they have to spend so much time to find the Coolie in-order to take there luggages and also when we find one they ask money that dosen’t worth it .There are also some cases when you fall ill during the journey and you cannot do anything as you haven’t got the medicines with you . Well not any more because we are bringing all this facilities with top class services all at one place .


Your destination is our Priority with the Excellence

Our website is more of a BD Railways oriented.We provide catering ,medication,coolie all at one place .We provide you we the top services according to your location .We provide you the best services at best price. Our website is easy to use.

Tech Stack

  • Java-Script, CSS, Bootstrap, HTML, SCSS, php

  • Firebase Authentication and Database, API.