
A C/SDL port of my 1979-style arcade shooter, Space Drifter.

Primary LanguageC

Space Drifter Native

A C/SDL port of my original JavaScript game Space Drifter.

Building the Game

Space Drifter Native has two external dependencies: SDL2 and SDL2_mixer. Download or clone SDL2(2.30.3) and SDL2_mixer(2.8.0).

Windows (MSVC)

The build script takes three positional paramters.

  1. The path to the SDL2 source directory.
  2. The path to the SDL2_mixer source directory
  3. If set to true, will build SDL2 and SDL2_mixer in order before building the game.
./build.bat path\to\SDL2 path\to\SDL_mixer true


The project includes a very straightforward CMakeLists.txt file for convenience. See add_executable and target_link_libraries for the source files and libraries required to build.

cd SDL2
./configure && make && sudo make install

cd ../SDL2_mixer
./configure && make && sudo make install

cmake -B bin -S src
pushd bin && make && popd