
Cami Challenge

Primary LanguagePython

# How to start docker
Pull the docker image:

```docker pull binpro/concoct_cami```

And then run the docker container:

```docker run -v /data/location/:/bbx/input:ro \
    -v /output/location/:/bbx/output:rw cami-concoct```

The input directory needs to have a file named ```biobox.yaml``` with contents similar to:

    version: 0.9.0
      - fasta:
           id: "fasta"
           value: "/bbx/input/contigs/contigs.fasta"
           type: "contig"
      - fastq:
         - id: "Sample116"
           value: "/bbx/input/reads/Sample118.fq"
           type: paired
         - id: "Sample120"
           value: "/bbx/input/reads/Sample120.fq"
           type: paired
         - id: "Sample127"
           value: "/bbx/input/reads/Sample127.fq"
           type: paired
         - id: "Sample134"
           value: "/bbx/input/reads/Sample134.fq"
           type: paired
         - id: "Sample177"
           value: "/bbx/input/reads/Sample177.fq"
           type: paired

If you wish to build the docker image from scratch:
```cd ~/repos/cami_15_03/
   docker build -t binpro/concoct_cami .```