
A Rust software to extract Unique Molecular Identifiers in FastQ files and embedd them into the ID of the corresponding reads.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Go to the directory with the tool and type in cargo build .



The tool requires an input as follows:

umi-transfer [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>


Flag Required Description
-h,--help No Print help information
--prefix No, but default will be 'integrated' dictates name of output files
--r1-in Yes FASTQ file with reads
--r2-in No FASTQ file with reads



Flag Required Description
--pattern1 Yes Nucleotide Pattern for UMI
--pattern2 Needed if --r2-in exists Nucleotide Pattern for UMI


Flag Required Description
--ru-in Yes FASTQ containing UMI records

Running the tool can be done by cargo run --release -- [options] --r1-in 'fastq' <Subcommands> , where the --release flag is optional, but will ensure an optimized build.

Inline UMI example:

cargo run --release -- --prefix 'output' --r1-in 'R1.fastq' --r2-in 'R2.fastq' inline --pattern1 'NNNNNNNNN' --pattern2 'NNNNNNNNN'

UMI in seperate file example:

cargo run --release -- --prefix 'output' --r1-in 'R1.fastq' --r2-in 'R3.fastq' separate --ru-in 'R2.fastq'

Special flags:

--edit-nr This flag will automatically change the '3' in the R3 files record-headers. Its disabled by default. --no-gzip This flag diables automatic compression (.gz) of output files.