
Includes migrations

Primary LanguagePHP



make a file database/local.sqlite

cd ~/to/the/root/folder/of/this/app
touch database/local.sqlite


Migrations are easy is some frameworks and this will attempt to bring that ease here as well.

The PhpMig library bring the console migrations back into place.

The root of your application will have several folders and files

Typically you would run

bin/phpmig init

To setup folder


And files


But I included the phpmig to show how to setup Illuminate

Then there are


database //to store the local.sqlite file for testing
config //for connecting later on in example queries


.env //this is for our db settings as needed more on this later

Now that you are setup

bin/phpmig status

To see how things are going

bin/phpmig migrate

To migrate the 2 demo tables in migrations folder

bin/phpmig generate OrdersTable

To make a new table

bin/phpmig status

Should show this

 Status   Migration ID    Migration Name
     up  20140730141914  BooksTable
     up  20140730143621  AuthorsTable
   down  20140730153935  OrdersTable

Now we need to edit the new file it made in migrations folder for Orders.


use Phpmig\Migration\Migration;

class OrdersTable extends Migration
     * Do the migration
    public function up()


     * Undo the migration
    public function down()


We want to introduce the Illuminate Capsule and schema builder

Lots of good docs here

So for now we are manually writing out / copy paste the syntax so this looks like


use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as Capsule;
use Phpmig\Migration\Migration;

class OrdersTable extends Migration
     * Do the migration
    public function up()
        Capsule::schema()->create('orders', function($table)

     * Undo the migration
    public function down()

That is it now

bin/phpmig migrate

And you are set to go

bin/phpmig status

 Status   Migration ID    Migration Name
     up  20140730141914  BooksTable
     up  20140730143621  AuthorsTable
     up  20140730153935  OrdersTable

Adding Fields

Seeding the db

How to now setup your app to query this data