
a location api

Primary LanguageJavaScript


our location service respontible for handling location basaed requirement for the system


[GET]=> /api/v1/countries

returns an Array of countries

    countries: [
            name: String,
            id: Number

[GET]=> /api/v1/states?countryId=ID

returns an Array of states for the country with the ID

    states: [
            name: String,
            id: Number

[GET]=> /api/v1/lga?stateId=ID

returns an Array of lgas for the state with the ID

    lga: [
            name: String,
            id: Number

[POST]=> /api/v1/getdata

    // post data
        countryId: ID,
        stateId: ID,
        lgaId: ID
    // retrun data
        country: String,
        state: String,
        lga: String