
Small, practical build and task automation system written in Python.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Small, practical build and task automation system written in Python.


$ pip3 install halfling


For some strange reason I felt the urge to create my own build system. Halfling currently supports C and C++ builds out of the box (with incremental builds based on file modified times), but adding your own builder is as simple as subclassing halfling.builders.Builder (see halfling/builders/cxx.py for an example).

Halfling is not intended to be feature rich, free of bugs, or particularly fast. On my machine, builds with halfling are marginally slower than builds with make.

The biggest advantage to halfling is extensibility. The halfling CLI (invoked with halfling) will attempt to load a file named halfling.py in the current directory. This halfling.py file acts as an extension file; it can be used to configure your builds, add tasks to the CLI, and/or execute any arbitrary python code.

Example extension file (halfling/examples/shotgun/halfling.py):

from pathlib import Path

import halfling

# Common build options used by all types
build_options = halfling.builders.CxxBuildOptions(
    build_dir=Path(__file__).parent / "hbuild",
    defines=["DEFINED_IN_PY", "ALSO_DEFINED_IN_PY"],

# Add build and clean tasks to halfling
    # The build_types_dict allows users to specify custom build types which can be selected with
    # the -t/--type CLI option. The default will be the first build type specified in the dict
    # (if you're using python 3.7+, and most likely if you're using python 3.6).
    # Each build type must provide a function which takes one argument (the build options data
    # structure).
    # The build_types_dict defaults to None, in which case, there will be no -t/--type CLI option.
        "debug": lambda options: options.flags.extend(["-g"]),
        "release": lambda options: options.flags.extend(["-O2"])

# Add a custom task
def my_task(args):
    print(f"echo: {args.echo}")

def setup_my_task_args(parser):
    parser.add_argument("echo", type=str, help="string to echo back")

halfling.tasks.add_task("my_task", my_task, setup_my_task_args)

# Execute arbitrary code at load time. This probably isn't useful, its more for the sake of
# demonstrating that this is just normal python code.
print("Extension file loaded.")