FIT1048 Assignment 3

Title: Hero's Quest

Author: Leo Huang

Student ID: 16886294

Due Date: 20/10/2017


Hero's Quest is a console based text game controlled by command line inputs. Most inputs will require a single character to be entered. Available commands will usually be hinted by the game in brackets.

For example:

Do you want to continue? (y/n)

Press y to continue.

The game will follow a turn based combat system. The player will be pitted against 4 regular monster then a final boss. The game will end when either the player runs out of health or all the enemies have been defeated.


The game will require the user to press enter to continue showing the next action. This feature is implemented with the intention of giving the user time to read through each individual action taken so they can process the information.


  • Name customisation for the player
  • Use of pointers for multiple-layer inheritance and polymorphism
  • Error handling for invalid inputs
  • Simple turn based combat system with an element of randomness simulating dice rolls
  • Special attacks are available to certain special units including the player and the boss
  • Boss will perform special attack at random, the more likely the lower its current health
  • A shop inbetween each battle to purchase buffs