
This is a green choice poc

Primary LanguageVueApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is a green choice poc

What's in here

We created three separated folders one for Header (/gcheader) another for body and footer(/gcbody) and the main one as Composite UI ((/gcCompositUI))

How to Run

Goto individual folders and run individual folder in different instance of any command line which you preferred (i.e. gitbash, bash, cmd). and run the commands *note: you need to install for further processes npm i // if you use npm or yarn // if you use yarn

then npm i -g http-server // for instant run without compile or yarn global add http-server

then run the app after install http-server ./dist -p 8082 // port is after -p you can use any four digit port number http-server ./dist -p 8083 http-server ./dist -p 8180