
Kubernetes Open Service Broker using Spring Cloud OSB

Primary LanguageJava

Open Service Broker

Open Service Broker using Spring Cloud OSB.

Deployed as Kubernetes Service Broker.

Docker Build

mvn clean package
docker build -t alokkusingh/home-osb:latest -t alokkusingh/home-osb:1.0.0 --build-arg JAR_FILE=target/open-service-broker-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar .
docker push alokkusingh/home-osb:latest
mvn clean package
docker build -t alokkusingh/home-osb:latest -t alokkusingh/home-osb:1.0.0 --build-arg JAR_FILE=target/open-service-broker-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar .
docker push alokkusingh/home-osb:latest

Kubernetes Deployment

Create Namespaces for OSB and Tests

kubectl apply -f k8s/deploy/namespace.yaml

Create Java Spring OSB Service - business logic

kubectl apply --validate=true --dry-run=client -f k8s/deploy/home-osb-service.yaml 
kubectl apply -f k8s/deploy/home-osb-service.yaml

Create Service Broker

Create secret for service broker

kubectl create -f k8s/deploy/home-osb-broker-secret.yaml

Create service broker

kubectl create -f k8s/deploy/home-osb-broker.yaml

Note: as of now Microk8s doesn't support servicecatalog

View Service Offerings

Show the list of brokered service offerings advertised by the service broker:

kubectl get clusterserviceclasses -o=custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,EXTERNAL\ NAME:.spec.externalName

Show the details of the brokered service offering:

kubectl get clusterserviceclasses b92c0ca7-c162-4029-b567-0d92978c0a97 -o=yaml

View Service Plans

Show the list of brokered service plans advertised by the service broker:

kubectl get clusterserviceplans -o=custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,EXTERNAL\ NAME:.spec.externalName

Show the details of the brokered service plan:

kubectl get clusterserviceplans fd81196c-a414-43e5-bd81-1dbb082a3c55 -o yaml

Use the service broker

Create a service instance

Create an instance of a brokered service from the sample service broker:

kubectl create -f k8s/deploy/service-instance.yml

Show the details of the created service instance:

kubectl describe serviceinstance mail-instance -n test-stack

Create a service binding

Create a service binding for the service instance:

kubectl create -f k8s/deploy/service-binding.yml

Show the details of the created service binding:

kubectl describe servicebinding mail-binding -n test-stack

Service bindings are exposed via Kubernetes secret objects. Show the details of the secret containing the binding credentials:

kubectl get secret mail-binding -n test-stack -o yaml

Delete the stack

kubectl delete -f k8s/deploy/namespace.yaml