
A collection of math textbooks on everything related to Machine Learning.


A collection of math textbooks on everything related to Machine Learning.

The list is made based upon a Quora answer by Prof. Sridhar Mahadevan.

  1. Linear Algebra - Strang
  2. In All Likelihood by Yudi Pavitan
  3. Convex optimization by Boyd
  4. Optimization in vector spaces by Luenberger
  5. Causal representations in statistics by Judea Pearl
  6. Group representations in probability and statistics by Persi Diaconis
  7. Linear statistical models by C. R. Rao
  8. Convex analysis by Rockafellar
  9. The Symmetric Group by Sagan
  10. Applied Math by Strang
  11. Mulitivariate models of incomplete data by Shafer
  12. Neurodynamic programming by Tsitsiklis and Bertsekas
  13. Non-cooperative games by John Nash
  14. Best approximation in inner product spaces by Deutsch
  15. Algebra by Lang
  16. Topological Manifolds by Lee
  17. Smooth Manifolds by Lee
  18. Riemannian manifolds by Lee
  19. Set theory by Paul Halmos
  20. Measure theory by Paul Halmos
  21. Probability: independence, exchangeability, martingales by Chow and Teicher
  22. Computational homology by Kaczynski
  23. The Topology of Fiber Bundles by Steenrod

Some other books:

  1. Generalized Linear Models by McCullagh and Nelder