
MathJax as React component

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React MathJax

(experimental, not maintained)


Here is better maintained repo: https://github.com/wko27/react-mathjax

Quick info

React component to display math formulas written in AsciiMath or TeX.

Example of usage

Based on the react-mathjax from SamyPesse. The main difference is in updated deps, syntax and extended options (delay of rendering and support for AsciiMath).

How to install

npm install @matejmazur/react-mathjax

How to use

const MathJax = require('@matejmazur/react-mathjax')
const ascii = 'U = 1/(R_(si) + sum_(i=1)^n(s_n/lambda_n) + R_(se))'
const tex = `f(x) = \\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty\\hat f(\\xi)\\,e^{2 \\pi i \\xi x}\\,d\\xi`

module.exports = () => {
    return (
                    This is an inline math formula: <MathJax.Node inline>{'a = b'}</MathJax.Node>
                    And a block one:


            <MathJax.Context input='tex'>
                    This is an inline math formula: <MathJax.Node inline>{'a = b'}</MathJax.Node>
                    And a block one:



MathJax.Context props

script (String)

  • Loads specified link with MathJax library.
  • Default: https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.1/MathJax.js?config=TeX-MML-AM_CHTML

input (String)

  • Sets type of input.
  • Options: tex | ascii
  • Default: ascii

delay (Number)

  • Sets delay between updates.
  • Default: 0 (the main difference between this library and react-mathjax from SamyPesse)

options (Object)



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.