- 9
Use nonlinloc with 1d model
#49 opened by JuanJose9611 - 1
- 3
Anisotropic velocity model
#50 opened by luca-s - 2
- 6
Question: Vel2Grid to generate 3D model
#47 opened by Cthuulhaa - 5
drawbacks of large size region
#45 opened by sebmagia - 3
build error in sphfd_SWR_NLL.c file
#37 opened by fontiela - 3
- 1
- 3
Usage Question: Use of 3D Velocity Grid
#42 opened by ProfeSergioM - 1
LOCTOPO_SURFACE has no effect
#40 opened by lvanderlaat - 2
parallel processing?
#39 opened by 10go-L - 1
density units
#38 opened by jrojas12 - 2
Seeking help with NLL-SSST-coherence
#36 opened by 10go-L - 1
- 9
usage question re: LOCSEARCH
#17 opened by filefolder - 13
- 3
Takeoff angle grid question
#4 opened by sboltz - 2
Question: LOCGRID settings when LOCSEARCH is OCT
#34 opened by luca-s - 1
Usage question: NLLoc
#33 opened by LitongLeightonHuang - 3
GMT version
#32 opened by SebasGamboa10 - 6
Spatial pattern in Nonlinloc results
#31 opened by gerocampo - 1
- 8
Question: purpose of EXTERN_TXT and EXTERN_MODE?
#28 opened by luca-s - 8
Question: why is RMS weighted by arrival weight?
#29 opened by luca-s - 1
- 0
#25 opened by JamieSlome - 9
- 5
- 2
Test coordinate conversions
#21 opened by megies - 2
- 5
Question: is the repository considered stable?
#18 opened by luca-s - 1
Hypocenter of an explosion
#16 opened by Cthuulhaa - 3
stdint.h compilation issue
#13 opened by bakerb845 - 4
Hypocenter quality
#12 opened by Cthuulhaa - 4
Multiple P or S travel times in localization of local events/ 3D velocity model
#11 opened by Cthuulhaa - 2
Stations and seismic phases used for location
#10 opened by Cthuulhaa - 1
Density units of measurement
#9 opened by Cthuulhaa - 2
- 18
180 degree difference between SAzim and RAz
#5 opened by TomWinder - 4
- 3
- 2
hyp file: empty value printed as a space
#1 opened by megies