
POC for running ArgoCD on Rancher Desktop K3S w/ ContainerD

Primary LanguageShell

Rancher Desktop ArgoCD Local Setup

This repo includes some helper scripts, Dockerfiles, and Kubernetes configurations to get a local ArgoCD set up with a local Git server for testing purposes in Rancher Desktop.

  1. Install Rancher Desktop
  2. Set up a Kubernetes cluster running on containerd
  3. Create namespace in Kubernetes by running kubectl create namespace argocd
  4. Build Git server image by running nerdctl build . -t git-d -f ./Dockerfile.gitd --namespace k8s.io
  5. Install Git server in Kubernetes by running kubectl apply -f ./git-server.yaml -n argocd
  6. Install ArgoCD by running kubectl apply -n argocd -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/argoproj/argo-cd/stable/manifests/install.yaml
  7. Expose ports using Rancher Desktop
  8. Wait about 30 seconds to 1 minute for ArgoCD to get set up
  9. Configure ArgoCD and get admin password by running ARGOCD_PORT=<argocd server exposed port> GIT_PORT=<git server exposed port> ./configure-argocd.sh