
authentication and authorization module for angular apps

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Authentication and authorization library for angular.js Build StatusDependency Status

Visor is an authentication and authorization framework for AngularJS.
It provides a convenient way to authenticate on startup and define which routes are accessible to whom.
Visor works with both ngRoute and ui-router.

Quick start

Get Visor:

  • download the release (or minified)
  • via Bower: by running $ bower install visor from your console
  • via NPM: by running $ npm install --save angular-visor from your console

Sample apps:

  • A sample app using ui-router can be found here (source)
  • A sample app using ng-route can be found here (source)

API documentation:

###Authenticate with visor:

            visorProvider.authenticate = function($http){
                return $http.get(<your authentication url>).then(function(res){return res.data;}) //returns user
                restrict: function(user){ return user && user.can_see_private}

Overview and Features

Visor provides two main features:


  • Visor allows you to stop routing until an authentication request is made.
  • Visor guarantees that authentication info is available (via visor.authInfo) before any restricted route is accessed.
  • If a client is not authenticated and tries to access an authenticated only route, it will be redirected to a designated login route.
  • After an unauthenticated client logsin/signsup, Visor makes sure to redirect the user back to the orignal route requested.


  • Visor works with both ngRoute and ui-router, and allows to idiomatically restrict access to routes in either modules.
  • Unauthorized users are sent to a dedicated "access denied" route.
  • Restrictions are simple functions defined on routes/states which can access the user's authentication info.


###Setting up the authenticate method

Visor requires that you define an authentication method that runs before restricted routes are accessed.
Visor exposes an authenticate method in it's provider:

            visorProvider.authenticate = function($http){
                return $http.get(<your authentication url>).then(function(res){return res.data;})

The authenticate method is dependency injected, and needs to return a promise.
The result from a successful promise will be sent to future restrict functions.

  • By default Visor authenticates when the page is loaded even if a non restricted route is accessed, you can instruct Visor to only authenticate when a restricted route is accessed by setting the `visorProvider.authenticateOnStartup" flag.

###Defining restrictions on routes

To define certain routes to be restricted to certain users, Visor requires a "restrict" attribute to exist inside the route or state.
That function will be called with the value returned from the authenticate promise and should return a boolean indicating if the routing should continue.
If a user was not authenticated the restrict function will be called with no values.


            $routeProvider.when("/private",{ // will only be shown to users that have `can_see_private`
                restrict: function(auth){ return auth && auth.can_see_private}
            .when("/only_not_authenticated",{ // will only be shown to users who are not authenticated
                restrict: function(auth){ return auth === undefined}
            .when("/public",{}); // will be shown to any user


            $stateProvider.state("private",{ // will only be shown to users that have `can_see_private`
                restrict: function(auth){ return auth && auth.can_see_private}
            .state("only_not_authenticated",{ // will only be shown to users who are not authenticated
                restrict: function(auth){ return auth === undefined}
            .state("public",{}); // will be shown to any user

     Visor also respects restrictions in parent states.

            $stateProvider.state("private",{ // will only be shown to users that have `can_see_private`
                restrict: function(auth){ return auth && auth.can_see_private}
            .state("only_not_authenticated",{ // will only be shown to users that have `can_see_private`
            .state("admin",{ // will only be shown to users who have both `can_see_private` and `is_admin`
                restrict: function(auth){ return auth && auth.is_admin}

Visor provides two default restriction methods as constants:

  • authenticatedOnly - only users who are authenticated can see the route
  • notForAuthenticated - only users who aren't authenticated can see the route
            $routeProvider.when("/private",{ // will only be shown to users that are authenticated
                restrict: authenticatedOnly
            .when("/only_not_authenticated",{ // will only be shown to users who are not authenticated
                restrict: notForAuthenticated
            .when("/public",{}); // will be shown to any user

Configuring actions on events

Visor defines the following situations that can be overriden:

  • An unauthenticated user tries to access a restricted route.

    • By default Visor will redirect to `/login' path.
    • The path can be overriden in visorProvider.loginRoute
    • The action taken when such an event occurs can be overriden in visorProvider.doOnNotAuthenticated
    • Visor adds a next parameter to the redirect to allow returning to the original path after a successful login.
    • You can instruct Visor to not add the next parameter by settings the visorProvider.shouldAddNext flag.
  • An authenticated user tries to access a restricted route.

    • By default Visor will redirect to `/access_denied' path.
    • The path can be overriden in visorProvider.notAuthorizedRoute
    • The action taken when such an event occurs can be overriden in visorProvider.doOnNotAuthorized
  • When a user is manually logged in.

    • By default if a next parameter exists in the url Visor will redirect to that path otherwise it'll redirect to `/' path.
    • The default path if no next is provided can be overriden in visorProvider.homeRoute
    • The action taken when such an event occurs can be overriden in visorProvider.doAfterManualAuthentication

###Login and Signup Visor needs to be notified when a user logs in to the application (as opposed to already being authenticated) in order for restrictions to work.
You inform visor when a user logs in by calling visor.setAuthenticated(authInfo).
The value sent to visor.isAuthenticated to be the same as the value returned in the authenticate promise.