
Interview project for WellDone

Primary LanguageJavaScript


an example interview project for Welldone software


  • gulp with browserSync - for build and develop
  • bower - for handling client-side dependencies
  • angular.js
  • angular ui-router (with extras for sticky views)
  • ratchet.js - for ios like theme


  • clone repository
  • run npm install
  • run npm test or
  • run npm start

###App explanation The app was designed for mobile phones, while it will work in a desktop browser, it won't look pretty.
The app has 2 pages - locations and categories, accessible from the bottom bar.
You can swipe left or right to navigate between the pages.

There is a "add category" button, when pressed it will add an input you can change a category's name.
Category names can be changed in line.

at the top bar there is a plus icon.
you can press that icon to add a new location.
When adding a location, a popup will appear with a form.
Pressing the edit icon in coordinates will open a map to choose coordinates.
Alternatively, when adding an address, the app will geocode for the coordinates automatically.
When there are locations, they will appear on the main screen.
Choosing a location will make available two new commands at the top bar - remove and edit.
Also pressing on the right chevron will show the location on the map.


The file structure is based on the default cordova project.
All items exist in www folder.
All tests exist in test\unit folder -with specs matching file names in www\js.

www\js\app.js - main app, in charge of loading and configuring other modules
www\js\data - folder containing localStorage and models
www\js\page - controllers for locations and categories pages
www\js\modals - controllers for modals
www\js\ui - misc services and directives that change or add to the ui