
Household expenses management webapp

Primary LanguageRubyGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


TODO: 0. Parses should handle CSVs + Do TODOs in Scrapers + add scraper for MAX

  1. write load data task + example on generating new env - DONE
  2. support account-transfer-transactions
  3. Fix encoding and handle hebrew - DONE
  4. automate download of excel files
  5. Need to assign "location" to all transactions? probably not.
  6. Create category groups (?)
  7. Write readme
  8. support PDF
  9. controllers to visualize
  10. Simple UI
  11. authentication SSO + user support model? mmmm
  12. Dockerize and build scripts to run on some cloud/locally
  13. Budgets per cateroy?

Quick setup:

  1. ParseIncomingDataJob.perform_now(source: :bank, file_location: './tmp/in/ZZZZZ.xlsx'
  2. SaveParsedDataJob.perform_now
  3. .

Data model: Account - Holds diffrent managed accounts, from Credit Cards, Cash and Savings Account MTransaction - Terrible name for transaction done in specific account Location - Another terrible name for the name of a place transaction took place Category - 'Tag' for a type of expense (for example: Eating Out, Shopping, Electric Bills etc...)

Account has_many Transactions Transaction belongs to Location Locations belongs_to_and_has_many Categories