
A cordova plugin to edit videos.

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

npm version

This is a cordova plugin to assist in several video editing tasks such as:

  • Transcoding
  • Trimming
  • Creating thumbnails from a video file (now at a specific time in the video)
  • Getting info on a video - width, height, orientation, duration, size, & bitrate.

After looking at an article on How Vine Satisfied Its Need for Speed, it was clear Cordova/Phonegap needed a way to modify videos to be faster for app's that need that speed.

This plugin will address those concerns, hopefully.


cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-video-editor

VideoEditor and VideoEditorOptions will be available in the window after deviceready.


Transcode a video

// parameters passed to transcodeVideo
    success, // success cb
    error, // error cb
        fileUri: 'file-uri-here', // the path to the video on the device
        outputFileName: 'output-name', // the file name for the transcoded video
        outputFileType: VideoEditorOptions.OutputFileType.MPEG4,
        optimizeForNetworkUse: VideoEditorOptions.OptimizeForNetworkUse.YES,
        saveToLibrary: true, // optional, defaults to true
        deleteInputFile: false, // optional (android only), defaults to false
        maintainAspectRatio: true, // optional, defaults to true
        width: 640, // optional, see note below on width and height
        height: 640, // optional, see notes below on width and height
        videoBitrate: 1000000, // optional, bitrate in bits, defaults to 1 megabit (1000000)
        fps: 24, // optional (android only), defaults to 24
        audioChannels: 2, // optional, number of audio channels, defaults to 2
        audioSampleRate: 44100, // optional, sample rate for the audio, defaults to 44100
        audioBitrate: 128000, // optional, audio bitrate for the video in bits, defaults to 128 kilobits (128000)
        progress: function(info) {} // optional, see docs on progress

A note on width and height used by transcodeVideo

I recommend setting maintainAspectRatio to true. When this option is true you can provide any width/height and the height provided will be used to calculate the new width for the output video. If you set maintainAspectRatio false there is a good chance you'll end up with videos that are stretched and/or distorted. Here is the simplified formula used on iOS when maintainAspectRatio is true -

aspectRatio = videoWidth / videoHeight;
outputWidth = height * aspectRatio;
outputHeight = outputWidth / aspectRatio;

Android uses the ffmpeg scale filter like this ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf scale:640:-2 output.mp4. This will set the width of the output video to 640 pixels and will calculate the height of the output video according to the aspect ratio of the input video.

If you don't provide width and height to transcodeVideo the output video will have the same dimensions as the input video.

transcodeVideo example -

// options used with transcodeVideo function
// VideoEditorOptions is global, no need to declare it
var VideoEditorOptions = {
    OptimizeForNetworkUse: {
        NO: 0,
        YES: 1
    OutputFileType: {
        M4V: 0,
        MPEG4: 1,
        M4A: 2,
        QUICK_TIME: 3
// this example uses the cordova media capture plugin
        limit: 1,
        duration: 20

function videoCaptureSuccess(mediaFiles) {
    // Wrap this below in a ~100 ms timeout on Android if
    // you just recorded the video using the capture plugin.
    // For some reason it is not available immediately in the file system.

    var file = mediaFiles[0];
    var videoFileName = 'video-name-here'; // I suggest a uuid

            fileUri: file.fullPath,
            outputFileName: videoFileName,
            outputFileType: VideoEditorOptions.OutputFileType.MPEG4,
            optimizeForNetworkUse: VideoEditorOptions.OptimizeForNetworkUse.YES,
            saveToLibrary: true,
            maintainAspectRatio: true,
            width: 640,
            height: 640,
            videoBitrate: 1000000, // 1 megabit
            audioChannels: 2,
            audioSampleRate: 44100,
            audioBitrate: 128000, // 128 kilobits
            progress: function(info) {
                console.log('transcodeVideo progress callback, info: ' + info);

function videoTranscodeSuccess(result) {
	// result is the path to the transcoded video on the device
    console.log('videoTranscodeSuccess, result: ' + result);

function videoTranscodeError(err) {
	console.log('videoTranscodeError, err: ' + err);

Windows Quirks

Windows does not support any of the optional parameters at this time. Specifying them will not cause an error but, there is no functionality behind them.

Trim a Video

        fileUri: 'file-uri-here', // path to input video
        trimStart: 5, // time to start trimming in seconds
        trimEnd: 15, // time to end trimming in seconds
        outputFileName: 'output-name', // output file name
        progress: function(info) {} // optional, see docs on progress

function trimSuccess(result) {
    // result is the path to the trimmed video on the device
    console.log('trimSuccess, result: ' + result);

function trimFail(err) {
    console.log('trimFail, err: ' + err);

Create a JPEG thumbnail from a video

    success, // success cb
    error, // error cb
        fileUri: 'file-uri-here', // the path to the video on the device
        outputFileName: 'output-name', // the file name for the JPEG image
        atTime: 2, // optional, location in the video to create the thumbnail (in seconds)
        width: 320, // optional, width of the thumbnail
        height: 480, // optional, height of the thumbnail
        quality: 100 // optional, quality of the thumbnail (between 1 and 100)
// atTime will default to 0 if not provided
// width and height will be the same as the video input if they are not provided
// quality will default to 100 if not provided
// this example uses the cordova media capture plugin
        limit: 1,
        duration: 20

function videoCaptureSuccess(mediaFiles) {
    // Wrap this below in a ~100 ms timeout on Android if
    // you just recorded the video using the capture plugin.
    // For some reason it is not available immediately in the file system.

    var file = mediaFiles[0];
    var videoFileName = 'video-name-here'; // I suggest a uuid

            fileUri: file.fullPath,
            outputFileName: videoFileName,
            atTime: 2,
            width: 320,
            height: 480,
            quality: 100

function createThumbnailSuccess(result) {
    // result is the path to the jpeg image on the device
    console.log('createThumbnailSuccess, result: ' + result);

A note on width and height used by createThumbnail

The aspect ratio of the thumbnail created will match that of the video input. This means you may not get exactly the width and height dimensions you give to createThumbnail for the jpeg. This for your convenience but let us know if it is a problem. I am considering adding a maintainAspectRatio option to createThumbnail (and when this option is false you might have stretched, square thumbnails 😆).

Get info on a video (width, height, orientation, duration, size, & bitrate)

    success, // success cb
    error, // error cb
        fileUri: 'file-uri-here', // the path to the video on the device
        fileUri: file.fullPath

function getVideoInfoSuccess(info) {
    console.log('getVideoInfoSuccess, info: ' + JSON.stringify(info, null, 2));
    // info is a JSON object with the following properties -
        width: 1920,
        height: 1080,
        orientation: 'landscape', // will be portrait or landscape
        duration: 3.541, // duration in seconds
        size: 6830126, // size of the video in bytes
        bitrate: 15429777 // bitrate of the video in bits per second

Execute an FFMPEG command (Android only)

FFMPEG documentation

    success, // success cb
    error, // error cb
        cmd: ['-pass', 'an', '-array', 'of', '-ffmpeg', 'command', '-strings', 'here'] // see example below
// this example uses the cordova media capture plugin to get the input file path
        limit: 1,
        duration: 20

function videoCaptureSuccess(mediaFiles) {
    // Wrap this below in a ~100 ms timeout to ensure the recorded file is available

    var outputPath = cordova.file.externalRootDirectory;
    var outputFileName = 'test.mp4';

    createOutputFile(outputPath, outputFileName, function(fileEntry) {
        if (!fileEntry) {
            console.log('error creating file');

        // the file paths need to be absolute without file:// (ex. "/storage/sdcard0/test.mp4")
        var inputFilePath = mediaFiles[0].fullPath.replace('file:', '');
        var outputFilePath = fileEntry.toURL().replace('file://', '');

        // this ffmpeg command gives an output file with 512kbps bit rate, 640x640 res @ 24 fps, using the h.264 codec (-stict -2 enables expirmental codecs)
        // you can pass multiple input/output files... use ffmpeg however you want
        var cmd = ['-y', '-i', inputFilePath, '-b:v', '512k', '-s', '640x640', '-r', '24', '-vcodec', 'libx264', '-strict', '-2', outputFilePath];

                cmd: cmd,
                progress: function(info) {} // optional, see docs on progress


function ffmpegSuccess() {
    console.log('execFFMPEG success');

function ffmpegError(err) {
    console.log('ffmpegError, err: ' + err);

// this helper function I made creates a file at a provided path using the cordova-file plugin
// you can pass cordova.file.cacheDirectory, cordova.file.externalRootDirectory, etc.
function createOutputFile(path, fileName, cb) {
    window.requestFileSystem(window.PERSISTENT, 5*1024*1024,
        function(fs) {
                function(dirEntry) {
                    dirEntry.getFile(fileName, { create: true, exclusive: false }, function(fileEntry) {
                        console.log('successfully created file');
                        return cb(fileEntry);
                    }, function(err) {
                        console.log('error creating file, err: ' + err);
                        return cb(null);
                function(err) {
                    console.log('error finding specified path, err: ' + err);
                    return cb(null);
        function(err) {
            console.log('error accessing file system, err: ' + err);
            return cb(null);

How to use the progress callback function

    success, // success cb
    error, // error cb
        progress: onVideoEditorProgress

// for android make a duration variable to be updated on each progress function call
// you could use a dynamic variable name if you are doing multiple VideoEditor tasks simultaneously
var duration = 0;

function onVideoEditorProgress(info) {
    // info on android will be shell output from android-ffmpeg-java
    // info on ios will be a number from 0 to 100

    if (device.platform.toLowerCase() === 'ios') {
        // use info to update your progress indicator
        return; // the code below is for android

    // for android this arithmetic below can be used to track the progress
    // of ffmpeg by using info provided by the android-ffmpeg-java shell output
    // this is a modified version of http://stackoverflow.com/a/17314632/1673842

    // get duration of source
    if (!duration) {
        var matches = (info) ? info.match(/Duration: (.*?), start:/) : [];
        if (matches && matches.length > 0) {
            var rawDuration = matches[1];
            // convert rawDuration from 00:00:00.00 to seconds.
            var ar = rawDuration.split(":").reverse();
            duration = parseFloat(ar[0]);
            if (ar[1]) duration += parseInt(ar[1]) * 60;
            if (ar[2]) duration += parseInt(ar[2]) * 60 * 60;  

    // get the time
    var matches = info.match(/time=(.*?) bitrate/g);

    if (matches && matches.length > 0) {
        var time = 0;
        var progress = 0;
        var rawTime = matches.pop();
        rawTime = rawTime.replace('time=', '').replace(' bitrate', '');

        // convert rawTime from 00:00:00.00 to seconds.
        var ar = rawTime.split(":").reverse();
        time = parseFloat(ar[0]);
        if (ar[1]) time += parseInt(ar[1]) * 60;
        if (ar[2]) time += parseInt(ar[2]) * 60 * 60;

        //calculate the progress
        progress = Math.round((time / duration) * 100);

        var progressObj = {
            duration: duration,
            current: time,
            progress: progress

        console.log('progressObj: ' + JSON.stringify(progressObj, null, 2));

        /* update your progress indicator here with above values ... */

On iOS

iOS Developer AVFoundation Documentation

Video compression in AVFoundation

AVFoundation slides - tips/tricks

AVFoundation slides #2

Bob McCune's AVFoundation Editor - ios app example

Saving videos after recording videos

On Android

Android Documentation

Android Media Stores

How to Port ffmpeg (the Program) to Android–Ideas and Thoughts

How to Build Android Applications Based on FFmpeg by An Example

On Windows


Android: GPL


Windows: Apache 2.0