
Primary LanguageVim Script

UNIX configuration files

Manuel Configurations

  • Run sudo xcode-select --install
  • Run ./install
  • Run ./setup_xcode.zsh
  • Run ./setup_homebrew.zsh
  • Run ./setup_vim.zsh
  • Set terminal font and colors
    • Text > Homebrew
    • Text > Font > Hack Regular Nerd Font Complete 12
    • Keyboard > Use Option as Meta key
  • cf config
  • mullvad account login
  • Set up github ssh keys
  • Set up MacOS configuration

How to...

Cheat sheets

Brewfile options

  • brew bundle dump -f --cask --formula --mas --describe update Brewfile
  • brew bundle --global --cleanup update packages

Other installations

  • rustup-init (once brew packages are installed)
    • wasm32-unknown-unknown
    • x86_64-apple-darwin
  • npm -g ______ (nmp global packages are inside the nmp folder)
    • http-server
    • nodemon
  • pip3 dependencies