
A Docker image for Apache Flume

Primary LanguageShell

Docker Apache Flume

Docker image for the deployment of an Apache Flume server.

Starting the container

To start the container use following command:

docker run --name some_flume -e FLUME_AGENT_NAME=myagent -d alonsodomin/flume

Configuring Flume

The container comes with the bare minimum needed to start flume and use the example configuration that comes with the standard Apache Flume distribution.

To include your own configuration you can mount it inside the container in the /opt/lib/flume/conf folder.

docker run --name some_flume -e FLUME_AGENT_NAME=myagent -v /path/to/conf:/opt/lib/flume/conf -d alonsodomin/flume

If you want more advance configuration (setting up sources listening on specific ports) then the recommended approach is to extend this image and expose the ports that you might be interested in.