
Email service with Spring, AWS SES and Clean Architecture

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Simplified Email Microservice

This project is an API built using Java, Java Spring, AWS Simple Email Service (SeS) and Clean Architecture principles. The API allows you to send e-mails using AWS SeS.



  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/alonsofritz/simplified-authenticator-spring.git
  1. Install dependencies with Maven

  2. Update application.properties putting your AWS Credentials



Obs: The sender email must be verified in AWS SeS.


  1. Start the application with Maven
  2. The API will be accessible at http://localhost:8080

Obs: You can change the port in application.properties file, changing the server.port property.

API Endpoints

The API provides the following endpoints:


POST /api/email/send - Send a e-mail from your sender to the destination


  "to": "johndoe@email.com",
  "subject": "test",
  "body": "test"


  "message": "E-mail sent successfully"

Application Architecture

The application follows a structure that resembles Clean Architecture, with some adaptations:

  1. Application Layer:
    • Responsibility: Starts the application and manages the controllers.
    • Example: EmailServiceApplication, EmailSenderController.
  2. Domain Layer:
    • Responsibility: Contains business rules and entities.
    • Example: EmailSenderUseCase, EmailServiceException.
  3. Infrastructure Layer:
    • Responsibility: Manages communication with external services and configurations.
    • Example: SesEmailSender, SesConfig.
  4. Adapters Layer:
    • Responsibility: Defines contracts and interfaces for communication between layers.
    • Example: EmailSenderGateway.

Main Classes

  1. EmailServiceApplication
    • Description: Main class that starts the Spring Boot application.
  2. SesEmailSender
    • Description: Implements the EmailSenderGateway interface to send emails using Amazon SES.
    • Attributes:
      • emailSender: String (configured via @Value from application.properties)
      • amazonSimpleEmailService: AmazonSimpleEmailService (injected via @Autowired)
    • Methods:
      • sendEmail(String to, String subject, String body): Sends an email using Amazon SES.
  3. SesConfig
    • Description: Configures the AmazonSimpleEmailService client to be used in the application.
    • Methods:
      • amazonSimpleEmailService(): Creates and configures a bean of type AmazonSimpleEmailService.
  4. EmailSenderGateway
    • Description: Interface that defines the contract for sending emails.
    • Methods:
      • sendEmail(String to, String subject, String body): Abstract method for sending email.
  5. EmailServiceException
    • Description: Custom exception for errors in the email service.


  • EmailServiceApplication has no direct dependencies on other classes.
  • SesEmailSender implements the EmailSenderGateway interface.
  • SesEmailSender uses AmazonSimpleEmailService configured by the SesConfig class.
  • SesEmailSender throws EmailServiceException in case of email sending failure.

Java Spring Licence