- [ 6/13 ] check links
- [ 6/13 ] make github template
- [ emails sent requesting talk ] speak to raf and jon and jeffrey about needs for their classes
- [ after raf and jon ] create sql exercise - add sql - https://www.learnsqlonline.org/en/Hello,_World!
- tweak content based on convos
- Open Question: What is hello world for SQL?
Executive Summary This repo contains the materials for the UVADS MSDS residential technical orientation. The goal of this orientation is for every student to complete the checklist. Supplemental materials are linked to help complete the checklist.
The goal for orientation is for every student to complete the checklist.
NB: if you have already completed an item there is no nead to repeat it, except for item 7
- watch Jurassic Park (UVA Library)
- create a github account - link - email your username to lpa2a@virginia.edu
- complete computer hardware survey - link
- install VS code
- learn the first four terminal commands - [pwd,ls,cd,history]
- use a terminal text editor - choose one [vi,nano,emacs,etc.]
- learn the PATH environment variable
- confirm sucessful operation by running a hello world program in BASH (or other shell if you prefer)
- install R and Rstudio Desktop
- installation link
- confirm sucessful operation by running a hello world program
- install python and jupyter with anaconda
- installation link
- confirm sucessful operation by running a hello world program (using spyder and jupyter)
- something sql
- rewatch Jurassic Park (UVA Library)
- All students are expected to be present for the technical orientation from 1300-1600 on Tuesday June 14.
- All students are expected to be present for the technical orientation from 0900-1600 on Wednesday June 15 and Thursday June 16.
- Detailed schedule here
This playlist contains five videos each one exemplifying a piece of the 4+1 model of Data Science: link
- From Pipeline to Paradigm: The 4 + 1 Model of DataScience
- A History of Data Science: 1960 to 2012
- Lectures on Computing
- R for Data Science - (UVA Library // free online)
- Python for Data Analysis - (UVA library // online)
- something sql
- Code Review Guidelines for Humans
- A whack on the side of the head - (UVA library)
- Why Aspiring Data Scientists Should Not Make a Big Deal of Machine Learning
- << chapter 0 from professor kropko >>
I love getting feedback. Here is how you can submit it.
- Fork this repo
- work on your fork
- Issue a pull request for any suggested improvements
Alternatively you can submit feedback without proposing a solution by creating an issue on the repository.
Class | Name | Professor |
DS 5100 | Programming for Data Science | Alvarado,Rafael Candido |
DS 6001 | Practice and App of Data Science | Kropko,Jonathan Michael |
STAT 6021 | Linear Models for Data Science | Woo,Yong Ming Jeffrey |
- [ august ] linux file systems ---> workshop ( spring and fall )
- [ august ] rework hpc section ---> workshop ( spring and fall ), remove from here
- [ august ] aws 101 ---> ( spring and fall )